Shot over to Budapest last weekend because I could (hahaha yet again I am centrally located in Europe and you are not!).
Not too much in the world land of major life updates, but as my parents decided against joining me in Vienna for xmas, Alex is coming and we are going to go prancing around Greece and Eastern Europe for 2-3 weeks. HOOHA. Alexs job is to find us cheap train tickets and my job is to remind her that 3rd class travel tends to be poorly heated and thus isnt the best ideas in the balkans in the winter months.
In GOD STEF YOU SURE ARE INAPPROPRIATE news, I showed up late for German today (oops up til 3am talking to Alexis on the phone) and was assigned late to a little discussion group. We had to answer 'what would you spend your last money on?' so naturally I said 'Ich wuerde mein letztes geld fuer ein Stripper ausgeben' (I would spend my last money on a stripper) but I was just joking with my group but you know when everyone laughs louder because it turns out that the professor is RIGHT BEHIND YOU and youve said something like that because you CLEARLY didnt know? Whatever. New German vocab: Der Stripper is the masculine, Die Stripperin is the feminine. Apperently I was spending my money on a male stripper. Oh well.
The Ghostbusters in Budapest.
Thats Christine, Allyn, me and Anna. Of course we ate a lot...
... Allyn and I especially of course...
and what would a trip to the former communist block be without some inappropriate photoshoots with Lenin?
. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm done.