Resistance Meme

Nov 04, 2009 17:02

My Response to meremoon's questions:

• Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity

• Update your journal with the answers to the questions

Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (I'll also answer more, if asked.)

OK - my questions:

1. What's your job situation? Please update - I've been worrying about you!

I was told that my current assignment will end January1.  One job posted for us poor Kelly temps - but only one position was available, and at least 12 of us applied - and today we found out the position has been filled, so no-go.  So at least I'll be employed until the New Year!

2. What writing have you done in the past? How did you get into fanfic?

I actually have several poems published (in obscure anthology editions that no one ever sees - I actually only have one of them at home, but I have had two published).  Of course, I have my forever WIP novel that I first began when I was 15 - a fantasy world setting.  I bring it out occassionally and muck around with it, but each time I change major plotlines and other elements.  Who knows if I will ever do more with it.

The past several years have been rough - not major depression/sleeping on streets dire, but such that once the boyfriend left, I crawled into my hermit hole, and began obsessing over various and sundry things.  Sometime in October 2008 I suddenly became enamored with X-Files - and was beginning to believe that Mulder and Scully had the perfect relationship.  Whatever.  Anyway, that was waning by the beginning of this year, and next thing I know, Dr Who had captured my attention - but after slogging through 20+ episodes/9 seasons of the X-Files, I felt bereft with the piddly 13 episodes of DW, and I needed more.  I am a voracious reader, but always disdained fanfic as "beneath me" - not worthy of my time.  Color me surprised to find that DW fanfic was everything I needed to satisfy my DW itch!

3. Do you participate in any fandoms other than DW/Torchwood?

No.  I'm not interested in any of it - except for DW/TW.  I've tried to read XF and Bones - but they turn me off.  I have a theory.  I think that Americans are spoiled rotten with the standard episode allotment for most tv seasons.  We get to know that characters so well, reading fanfic at that point just feels cheesy and fake.  But DW/TW leaves us craving so much more - and we do not have the luxury of the huge marketing/publishing/audio industry that cranks out so much stuff - the toys, the figurines, the books and the audiobooks - all of it has to be specially ordered, is too expensive, and just too much to keep up with anyway, so it's just as well.

4. What are your interests/hobbies?

Reading - Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Erotica, Romance, newspapers, magazines - anything with words : )
NFL - my family knows that from September-January each year - Sundays are my day, and not to disturb!
Politics, current events and social/ethical/moral issues
Music - from 80's pop to Heavy Metal to Industrial to Techno.  As long as it isn't Country music, I can enjoy a wide range

5. Name 5 real people from history that you'd like to meet and why.

This changes all the time.  Today, I would like to meet President Obama - he's current, but he made history in several notable ways last year, so I think that qualifies.

I would really love to meet Isaac Asimov at the beginning of his writing career, and also toward the end of his career.  The changes that he lived through - from the social to medical to scientific knowledge and discoveries - I would really love the chance to pick his brain and find out how he really viewed the world.

The next 2 people would have to be at the same time, because they were friends and fellow writers - J. R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis.  Both men's novels influenced and made huge impressions on me as a child.  Both men were critical thinkers and philosophers in their own ways, but they interpreted the world in very different ways.  I think it would be fascinating to see how they interacted with each other, and how much they influenced each other, if at all.

My final choice would be Ronald Reagan.  He was so charismatic, and had such a wild career - an actor turned politician, old-style.  His voice was instantly recognizable, and as a child growing up in the era of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation, he was the only one who made me feel safe.

I hope I didn't bore you too badly!  I don't have any questions for you at the moment - I have many more words to type before I'm done tonight!  It's good to hear from you too - I was wondering how you are doing as well.  :)


doctor who, meme

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