Writer's Block: Scary movie

Aug 22, 2011 15:20

OK, so I am not the biggest fan of scary movies by any stretch of the imagination.   I wouldn't be able to stomach the SAW movies, or The Hills Have Eyes - so things like that I know I can't handle - I just don't watch them.

I also don't have nightmares normally.  And if I do, they normally involve natural disasters - water, tornadoes, volcanoes.  I know, I'm weird.  But it has been quite a while since I have had nightmares that I remember, much less any that woke me up.

However, for whatever reason, I decided to watch 2004's Dawn of the Dead. 

Now, I've watched Zombie movies before.   In fact, the very first movie I ever went to see in the theater as an adult - i.e., 2 days after I turned 18 and could see rated R movies - I went to see Return of the Dead 2.  Cringed a bit at some of the gory bits, but made it through with no lingering issues.

DOTD, on the other hand, really disturbed me.  The little girl at the beginning, the flight to the mall, the pregnant woman who gave birth to a Zombie baby - and then the ending really unnerved me.  Now, why I can watch other movies - even the same type (Zombies), and be just fine, and yet have this one disturb me so, enough to give me nightmares - I don't know.  But to this day, I've only seen it once - and I still have dreams every once in a blue moon of that movie that I remember when I wake up.  It definately freaked me out.

writer's block

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