All I can say is arg.

Oct 01, 2006 09:55

Ok so I realize all I really post is stuff that pisses me off, but my other blog isn't exactly safe. I have been feeling ignored lately, by a couple of people but one in particular hurts the most. She says she is my best friend, but yet every damn time I talk to her she acts like she could care less about what I am saying. This makes me angry because for the first few weeks of school I felt like I was drowning! Last night was no exception. I IMed her (as usual, because God forbid she start the conversation) and she asked me what I was doing. Well I went off a little, but damn it we had made plans this weekend, that is why I came home THIS weekend instead of last weekend, and of course she didn't follow through. Apparently she got upset then told she had to go. Well 20 minutes later she signs on only to drag up that I never talk to her or she feels like I don't want to talk to her. I didn't want to talk about any of it, of course we did. The entire conversation I felt like she was putting everything on me. And that my dear reader (lol) is what I like to call bullshit. She told me she feels like I never want to talk to her either, hmmm could it be because I don't feel like sitting on AIM for 30 god damn minutes and have only said one thing? Or could it be because I am tired of feeling shitty about my life and only getting ambivalence back when I talk about it? She apologized and all that jazz, and why am I still angry you may ask? Because I know the conversation didn't change a damn thing.

Why is it I have bad luck with friendships? Is it just impossible for me to have friends that all like me at the same frickin time? You know maybe there is some merit to the only not having friends idea, maybe I'll have to look into it.
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