Apr 17, 2009 20:49
So much for my New Year's resolution to write in here once a week! I totally fail. Oh, and I started smoking again during COMPs. Oops. It has been such awhile I do not even know where to begin, so I will just be weird and categorize it.
I passed COMPs!!!!!!! Thank God. I could not do those again. I spent more time in the library in that month than I did in all my four years at Catholic. I did my religion presentation from hell and still have the paper from hell, due Tuesday, but I have a bunch of notes so I should be able to get it done in time. Directing scenes are going on, still not a fan of that class. I am just not cut out for it at all. Other classes are alright, no complaints here. I did tours today for Odyssey Day... and by tours I mean one because I had to get back to work. I graduate a month from yesterday, I cannot believe it.
A job
I got one! I was offered an internship at Walt Disney World doing attractions. So I can be a ride operator or a narrator in rides or theatre shows. I also do parade crowd control and stuff. I get a fully furnished apartment with utilities that comes out of my paycheck and I get an hourly rate. I can work 40-60 hours a week or take classes for free if I choose to do so. Originally I was accepted to go June 15th but due to certain circumstances I will mention in a bit I called my recruiter and I am now going in August. I still have to look into details like health insurance and registering my car. Will do. But I have an option! I didn't get National Players, Olney, Shakespeare Tech, or Wooly Acting Apprenticeship so this came at a great time.
I miss Squat. It was a wonderful experience and I miss everyone dearly. I got cast in an independent film called HAZE, which shows the darker side of college hazing. I am a featured extra and have to potential to get a name/substantial role depending on availability and all. I am a college student in general and I will find out at the cast meeting on the 27th for sure. I am still waiting to hear about the Shakespeare Acting apprenticeship but Disney got to me first so....
Ryan is deploying in June. He is now in Quantico training and I see him on weekends mostly. He is going to Afghanistan. I am terrified and worried and a whole jumble of emotions and I do not know how I am going to do this. I will. And I can... but I am still scared. I think he also has bronchitis but the dummy won't go to medical to get it taken care of because the other nine guys who had it had to take a week off of training and he refuses to do that. I hope he doesn't really have it so he can get better but it is just another worry. I love him and I worry. Such is life.
All is well with them as far as I know. Babci is having her hip replaced this summer which should be an experience (her recovery I mean) but she should be fine.
Some new ones, some growing stronger, some fading away. The fading away ones make me pretty sad. I know I havent spent as much time with them this year and I really miss them. So many have made future plans that I found out randomly and I wish I could have heard from them directly. Others I am getting much closer too and I am so incredibly grateful for that. They are the ones keeping me sane.
Ok.... I guess that is it for now. More to come shortly...