bOred =/

Mar 03, 2005 23:26


wOke up at 6:30 gOt up gOt ready <3 wOw i was sO sleepy =( anywayz this was my day ...

1st hOur: had a sub wOw we had sO much stuff tO dO ugh i have a test tOmarrOw and i didnt even study
2nd: same as first <3
3rd hOur: bOring class lyk alwayz
lunch: lOl wOw so fun all i have to say is nO cOmment <3
4th: fun chilled with sexy Jomana <3
5th: i was there half tha time than Ms. Kassab called me dOwn ugh cuz of carly im not gOnna gO and write what she did b/c its between me and her
6th: chilled with sOme peOple <3
7th hOur: chilled with ginO ugh mr. kakOs always makes ginO dO everything and nOt me =( but tOday he let me =)
^^ bOring day huh?

anywayz gOt hOme i watched t.v fOr a little than fell asleep =) wOw i slept almOst tha whOle day =) wOke up than i called jess cuz i was bOred than i did my hOmewOrk like an hOur later my mOmmy and my gramma came than they stayed Over fOr a little than they left an hOur later <3
^^ gOod day huh?

quOte <3

i`m the girl, the one thats always lost, the
one with the fake smile, the girl who
seems to be so strong, but daily continues
to break. that girl who`s always there &
seems to have no problems of her own.
the one who holds back tears until she's
off the phone, that girl that is in love
with a guy who tries to understand.

i want to be the girl you talk to on the phone, the
girl you cry to saying "i don't want to be alone," I
want to be the girl you chill with on friday nights
the girl who you kiss & hold real tight. I want to
know everything about you inside & out. the girl
that you just cant seem to live without. I want to
be the girl who your boys know you`re thinking
about the one you'll love forever without a doubt.

l3av3 m3 a c0mm3nt <3

i miss anita sO much i havent seen her fOr like a week i hOpe she cOmes to schOol tOmarrOw <3
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