Mar 13, 2005 17:36
What is your full name: Emma Rose Peterson
1. nicknames? Em, Ems, Emmy, Emmula, Rose, Rosie, Roses, Sweetie, Pookiebear
2. b~day? August 20, 1989
3. Age? 15
4. Sex: female
5. social security: People tell me I should memorize it but I don't find it necessary.
6. Where do u live? Ankeny, Iowa
7. What school to you attend? Ankeny High School
8. siblings and their ages? Colin-23, Soren-27
9. Pets? a doggy- Specks
10. What is your zodiac sign? Leo!
11. Righty or lefty? Righty all the way, kiddo!
**********YOUR LOOKS**********
12. Hair color: Brown with red & blonde highlights!
13. Eye color: brown
14. Height: 6'0!
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses? contacts AND glasses (but mainly contacts)
16. Do you have any piercings? I had my ears pierced but they're closed now.
7. Where do u want more if u do?
18. Do you have a tattoo? you bet I don't :)
19. If so, what and where? ^^^^
20. Do you wear rings? yes
Do you have a certain fashion you follow? yes, I call it "Emma-esque" :)
*********JUST LATLEY*********
22. How are you today? Lazzzzzzzzzy
23. What pants are you wearing right now? gray sweat pants
24. What shirt are u wearing right now? my regionals swimming tshirt
25. What does ur hair look like at the moment? crappy! :) it's not styled at all
26. What song are u listening to right now? Final Straw- Snow Patrol
27. What was the last thing u ate? chocolate chips
28. How is the weather right now? kinda blah!
29. Last person u talked to on the phone: casey
30. Last dream you can remember: hmmm...i think I had a dream a few nights ago but I haven't been remembering my dreams a lot recently.
31. who are you talking to now? Allie
32. What time is it? 5:51
**********MORE ABOUT YOU!**********
33. what are the last four digits of ur phone number? 1362
34. If you were a crayon, what color would u be? Hot Pink
35. Have you ever almost died? not really, i dont think so.
36. Do u like the person who sent u this? No. Casey smells of poo ;)
37. how do u eat an Oreo? I devour it in one bite RAHR
38. What makes u happy?: Food, friends, tv, movies, PEPPERMINT STICK ICE CREAM, school(is that weird), and #1aleyna
39. What's the next cd that ur gonna buy? I don't buy cds...I steal music :)
40. Where were you born? Des Moines in a dark alley...teehee, or maybe it was Methodist Hospital...
42. Have you ever won any special award? sure, every year I'm awarded with that whole "you've got great grades" award and I've also lettered twice in swimming...and tomorrow I'm getting an academic letter...yay? lol. OH! and I got the award for having strong grades and being in sports (at the same time) also for swimming...I might be forgetting something but I dont think so.
43. What are ur future goals? I want to go to college, and major in some stuff...haha. I'm looking into being a teacher but I'd also love to appear on a television show.
44. Do you like to dance? you betcha
45. Worst sickness u have ever had? I had a double hernia when I was a baby and about 2 years ago I threw up every couple of hours for about 3 days.
46. What's the stupidest thing u have ever done? Most everything I do is stupid :)
47. What is your favorite memory? Meeting aleyna, of course. haha...iono- probably some mushy, sentimental thing that happened...haha hence the favoriteness ;)
48. if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I'm generally happy about myself but I'd like to be a little less emotional and become more agressive in life...physically I'd like to shrink the pudge-pockets, which I oh so will do.
49. Where do u shop most?: Hmmm...the mall?
50. How many kids do u want to have? As of health class 2 days ago, I have decided I will never have kids.
51. Son's names: I don't believe in reproduction.
52. Daughter's names: I don't believe in reproduction.
53. What shampoo and conditioner do u use? This Strawberries & Cream stuff...OH! and color conserve by Aveda
54. What sport do you hate the most?: I don't so much hate any sport actually...
57. What are you most scared of?: Hatred & Death.
58. How many t.v's do u have in your house? 4
59. Do u have ur own? yupperz! (I even bought it :) )
60. do u have ur own phone line? no, but I do have my own cell phone so that's sorta the same...
61. do u sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes, and with my real doggy.
62. Have you ever broken, twisted,sprained or fractured a bone? Nope
63. Who do u dream about? : People who I see a lot or that really touch my heart/life in a significant way.
64. who do u tell your dreams to?: A...and if they're relevant then I tell them to Allie, Casey, Kendra.
65. Who is the loudest friend u have? Aleyna. Stephanie's pretty damn loud too though.
66. Who is the quietest friend you have? Hmm, in public that'd probably be Allie. But Aleyna can be pretty quiet too.
67. is cheerleading a sport?: Sure, I suppose
**********YOU AND LOVE**********
70. Do u believe in love?: Yes.
71. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?:
75. do u believe in love at first sight? I used to
76. where do u want to go on your honeymoon?: Biarritz, France. Or maybe somewhere else, iono.
77. What song do you want played at your wedding?: Jeez, no clue! Is that bad?
78. what is the first thing u notice about the opposite sex?: Hair and overall appearance. Then I look for personality.
79. are you too shy to ask someone out? : No
80. What's ur shoe size? 11-12
81. Do u find yourself attractive?: Somedays.
82. Do u find yourself ugly? ...somedays.
83. Do others find you attractive?: Some people say I am. (aleyna thinks I'm a foxx *score*)
ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)
86. boxers or briefs: boxers
87. Curly or straight hair: I like curly hair but shaggy-straight is cute.
88. taller or shorter? I prefer guys that are my height or a little taller, but I don't like giants or midgets that
89. six pack or muscular arms: SIX PACK (& muscular arms) ;)
90. good or bad guys? good guys, bad guys are idiots.
91. hat or no hat: depends on the hat
92. ears pierced or not: if they can pull it off, pierced.
93. tan or no tan: tan
94. dimples or not: I don't really care too much
96. rugged or sporty: I prefer sporty by a long shot, but if they can make it hawt, then rugged's cool too.
97. studly or cutie : I need me a stud :)
98. accent or not: accents are good, but it's nice to know what they're saying for
99. glasses? no thank you, but again-if they can pull it off, then it doesn't bother me at all. (NO BIFOCALS! haha)
100. smart or dumb? smart. but not full-of-themselves-geniouses.
101. what sport should he play?: anything but wrestling :)
102. dependent or independent? : a mix of the two, I like a guy to rely on me but not base his life around me.
*ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)
103. sandals or flip-flops?
104. painted nails or not?
(What happened to 105 and 106?)
107. cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy?
108. dark or blonde hair:
109. long or short hair:
110. curly or straight hair:
111. dark, light, or crazy cool eyes:
112. long or short nails:
113. hat or no hat?
114. good or bad gurl:
115. hair up or down:
116. jewelry or none?
117. tall or short:
118. accent or no accent:
119. pants or dress:
120. tan or fair:
121. glasses:
122. pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick?
123. freckles or none?
124. shy or outgoing?
125. funny or always cool :
126. talkative or shy:
**********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********
127. lights on/off: on
128. sun or rain? sun
129. mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): Mickey D's!
130 do u like scary movies or happy movies better? I <3333 scary movies but happy movies are also super fun!
131. backstreet boys or NSYNC?: Hmm...NSYNC
132. on the phone or in person: in person
133. paper or plastic: plastic
134. sausage or pepperoni? pepperoni
135. summer or winter: summer- it's my bday! but I do like winter...ugh, I wish I could have 'em both all the time! lol
136. hugs or kisses: both, I'm a hug whore
137. chocolate or white milk: white 2%
138. root beer or dr. pepper: dr pepper
139. is the glass half full or half empty: half empty so you had better fill it back up asap before I finish it off and get REALLY thirsty :)
140. tape or DVD: DVD
141. cats or dogs: dogs!
142. mud or jello wrestling? well, seeings how jello wrestling is my favorite pasttime...:)
143. vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
144. skiing or boarding? boarding
146. cake or pie? lemon cake otherwise, pie.
147. diamond or pearls: diamonds!
148. sunset or sunrise: sunrise-it's so refreshing.
**********YOUR FAVES*******
149. color: PINK!
150. food: Peppermint Stick Ice Cream
151. fave fast food? it's a toss up between bbops & taco johns.
152. candy: I loves me some milk duds! But I'm really into TWIZZLERS!
153. Beverage: Water, diet coke, lemonade, gatorade.
154. Ice-cream flavor: teehee, **see fave food**
155. sport: swimming
157. number: 3
158. radio station: I <3 cds more, but if I'm listenin' to the radio it's usually STAR or the beat. jeez, this is hard...lemme think..."Let Me Go"-three doors down, "You're so last summer"-Taking Back Sunday, "Candy Shop"-50 Cent, "Almost"-Bowling For Soup, "If I had a million dollars"-Barenaked Ladies. and TONS more!
( where are 160 and 161 ? )
162. favorite day of the year: 1st day of school.
163. Favorite month: August-my birthday occurs and I head back to school and get to see teachers & friends that I don't see in the summer.
164. tv show: FRIENDS, Passions, Committed, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, Alias, and more! lol
165. Store? teehee, the mall. haha
166. scent?: Pink Suede
(167 ?)
168. Board game: i'm gonna have to go with my FRIENDS TRIVA game...I also <3 girl talk. haha
169. Saying: "It's all good in the end, so if it's not all good, it's not the end." OH! and...
"If you fell, I'd pick you up.
If you cried, I'd dry your tears.
If you screamed, I'd be there for you.
If you hurt me, I wouldn't leave your side.
If you hate me, All I can cry.
This is my life, never fair, but at least I'm alive."-me
~~~~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~~~
(erm...we're skipping #'s 170-179...?)
180. Drank? at weddings and also mornings before weddings when I'm in the wedding party (get good and wasted before you sign the certificate..hahaha)
181. broken the law? Not really, maybe some mild traffic violations but besides that...I've only shoplifted once when I was younger.
182. ran from the cops? noperz
183. stolen something? when I was younger
184. tried to kill yourself? No, I like life.
185. made ur self throw up? maybe once...I really didn't want to go to school O.O
186. been in love? Yes.
187. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? you betcha.
********ONE FINAL NOTE**********
188. Do you like filling these out: Heck yes-internet surveys are my LIFE!
189. How many ppl are you sending this too? no one, just puttin' it in my livejournal.
190. do you want your friends to write back? they could comment in my livejournal...
191. who is least likely to respond: people who don't have a livejournal.
192. Who is most likely to respond: people who do have a livejournal.
193. What is running threw your mind at the moment?: "Why is life so complicated...?"
194. any other comments: not really, thanks for asking though! :)
Okay, that was fun! lol, peace out (fill this out if you so feel inclined.)
Loving you tons,