You know your a band geek when....

May 05, 2004 14:38

1.  You hear music on the radio and you start marking time.
2.  You're walking behind someone and you're in step with them.
3.  You try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
4.  All your friends are in band.
15.  Everyone wants to kill the other football team...and you want to kill the other band.
19.  You subconsciously start practicing with a pencil.
20.  You roll step through the cafeteria so you don't spill your food.
22.  The band room is your second home.  It is your home if you've got it bad.
25.  You recite the alphabet A through G then start back at A again.
34.  You don't describe people by going "She's got brown hair, dark eyes, kind of tall..", but go "She's an alto sax."
39.  You go around humming the last song you practiced, even if it's Bb major scale.
41.  Someone yells out "Hey Tuba boy!" and you respond.
44.  You listen to the classical station and can name off songs that you remember playing in band.
46.  You find it complicated to get in step with your reflection.
48.  Everybody in band fights like they're family.
49.  When walking down the hall you are in step with your friends.  If someone is not, they fall behind or do a little foot shuffle to get in step.
51.  You know how to play 10 popular-stand tunes, but know the words to none of them.
55.  Having people help dress and undress you isn't even remotely sexually stimulating.
61.  You've never had to pay to get into a football/basketball game.
75.  You've never ever sat in your class section at a pep rally because you're playing.
88.  Immediate respect for any drum major.
98.  You play the fight songs for FUN!
116.  A piccolo doesn't hurt your ears.
122.  Your curfew is later if it's an away football game.
126.  You can sit or hold hands with any band member of the opposite sex, but it doesn't mean anything - you're just cold.
137.  The only reason you're looking forward to Fall Break is because that's when the band trip is.
141.  You don't like people because they don't like band.
155.  You hate American Pie because if you mention band camp to a non-band member (or, as you may call them, a blasphemer), they ask you if you've ever stuck a flute up your... yeah (even though you're a guy), and they still think they're really being original with that one.
169.  Every person you're currently interested in dating is a band member
196. The word "fingering" doesn't make you think gross thoughts.
197. You can scale the stadium seats with ease, but you trip on the stairs in your house.
211. You can walk up to anyone in band and fix any part of their uniform without saying anything other than giving them your instrument and saying, "Hold this."
218. You never question the unwritten rule that nobody other than percussionists can go inside the drum closet. God only knows what happens in there anyway.
219. You get bored in class so you pick random people who aren't in band and decide what they would play if they were based on their personalities
230. You don't have to wonder what a guy in band looks like in his boxers, because you've probably already seen him change
261. You hear a story of some random band idiot and automatically assume it was a drummer
269. You find that most of your closest friends belong to band. Other people just can't relate.
282. You aren't a drummer but you can play every cadance as if you were one.
283. The drummer in your class gives you a funny look after you play all the cadances on your desk
302. You speak more than 25 words in Latin, French, and Italian (poco meno moso, anyone?)
462. (Flutes) You felt a lot better after seeing American Pie 2 just so that you could get even with the trumpets for saying "And this one time, at band camp..." one too many times.
>> My own addition: Certain perfumes/deoderants remind you of marching season.

go here if you want the whole thing biatch
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