Dec 27, 2004 18:05
SOOO.......ya christmas wasnt too much of a disappointement this lots of stuff and umm had fun......i had one HUGE dissappointment and that was not seeing my sweetie pie...ask sugar dumpling....aka my lil peanut better cup....aka Gazza....aka Gary hhahahahahha anyways....that sucks ass royally i hope i see him soon...and i have to see laura before she goes back to skool cuase i got a lil gift for her :)...i oculd give it to gary to give to her but ummm do i trust him wiht it HUMMMM hahahahah......i will find a way to get it to her for sure........ook....for christmas me gost
- 120 bucks
- i bought a webcam on future shop online with the boxing day sales 69.99 down to 24.99
- 50 buck GC at winners
- 50 buck GC at masonville mall
- my rents are paying to put my phone to a plan for a year or giving money to get phone cards
- 2 shirts
- sweatshirt
- socks
- jeans
- mom and i got a new tv
- wireless keyboard and mouse
- speakers
- Harry potter 3 DVD
- Cat in the Hat DVD
- 50 First Dates DVD
thats all i can think of as we speak so ya...when i get back form shopping at the stag the mall i will write all the hot stuff i got :) hehehehehehehehheheh I MISS U GARY *me blushes* anyways ttyl im out
WAIT......i forgot...GARY U SHOWED EVERYONE UR BACK UR DEAD hahahah and told about stuff hahahah ur dead sunshine muahahahhahah i just remembered that nicole holder :) told me about u comin to skool or somehting and be leik look at what happened grrrrrrrr u better watch out.....i will beat you up....but i have a sore back hun ;) ahhahahahaahahha OMG ahahhahahahahahh