Sep 11, 2006 13:27
This for my Abby and Lauren:
From (note the bolded portion):
Director Oliver Stone will release a third version of his Alexander epic in a bid to win over critics who originally mauled the movie. The Platoon filmmaker insists the cinematic version of Alexander was hampered by time constraints after being slashed to 168 minutes in length. Stone originally wanted to release the movie in its original three-hour form but concerned studio bosses forced him to axe scenes containing homosexual content. The new DVD-only release will be a staggering three hours and 40 minutes in length, and will feature footage edited out of the original cut. Stone says, "This thing has haunted me. By truncating it into three hours, we lost things that were important. This version allows you to immerse yourself in the classical world."
So we're finally getting the Colin Farrell/Jared Leto boytouching we've all been wanting for so long! Yay! Oh Snap!
* I still can't post to therainbowbus. Abby, fix me up LOL :) It isn't even an option on my list of places to post to.