Mar 12, 2017 15:51
what if everyone is a fucking sperm and we're all living in some persons balls and when we die we got some one pregnant and we're going off to another sperm world. that'd be funny, oh what if when we die we come back as the same person and our whole existence just repeats it self, all it ever does is repeats itself, or we're just living inside someone elses body and we're just watching what they're doing but we arent controling them. what if soulmates do exist we're not destined to ever meet them. What if humans are meant to be alone, i mean the only ones who really understand humans are humans, me i dont want be a human theres to many pros and cons we destoy a lot but we also create a lot, but creating isnt always good, and people arent always bad but we're not always good. what is good and bad anyways, its so weird how us as humans create petty little labels like gender and sex, our labels cause us to hate ourselves and make us hate others, why do we feel the need to put ourselves into a box. why do so many of us believe anything thats written down, some people follow words that some people have written, none of us are original or unique, we're all the same in some way, there is someone exactly like you the only unique people have no friends and arent relatible, i know im not unique people can realate to my problems, i dont see the world in any diffrent light the only thing that really sets me off is me acting like i dont care. and my hate for the month of march