Title: Wrecking Ball
Fandom: The Closer/Major Crimes
Pairing: Brenda/Sharon
Rating: T (for now)
Word count: 5,002
Summary: Brenda Leigh had no choice but to admit it: having more time for the living just wasn't all it was cracked up to be. A Brenda/Sharon relationship story. High heels, firearms, angsty D.D.A.'s, ex-husbands, bobble-head dolls:
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-I really love how you write the dynamics of the MC team. It’s so fluid and seamless-why are you not writing for the show? I also maintain that your Sharon is the best Sharon.
-Hahaha, Tao correcting Provenza about dissertations. Nailed it.
-I also particularly LOVE that Sharon is making the rounds to include everyone in the interviews, including Amy (who so desperately needs the guidance). But I think that sets her apart from Brenda in her leadership, who mostly favored Gabriel as her partner. I like that Sharon is unifying the team, rather than placing herself at the top of the hierarchy the way that Brenda did.
-Interrogator Sharon is perfect. Equal parts hot and terrifying, tbh.
-LOOOOVVVEEEDDD that Hobbs tried to warn Sharon that Brenda was about to swoop in. I imagined that whole exchange happening in slow motion, when Sharon turns around to see Brenda standing there. Then there were violins…
-THE SHOWDOWN. Ugh. Flawless. They’re either going to kill each other or fuck each other senseless. It’s like Christmas.
-Also totally loved how you’ve got Brenda recognizing the change in Raydor since her departure from the LAPD. From the clothes to the attitude…I’m really loving the acknowledgment of the evolution from Darth Raydor to Diet Raydor.
-Taylor telling them to play nice. Hahaha. Brilliant.
I absolutely love this story and I’m so excited that you’re continuing to work on it. I am very much looking forward to finding out whether or not Brenda acknowledges Sharon’s command, or if she will bulldoze right over her. And I can’t wait until they make out again. Just sayin’.
THANK YOU for writing!
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