Aug 09, 2006 23:06
So tomorrow is registration.
Well not actual registration but we're meeting with my guidance counsellor [I don't even feel like worrying about spelling] because my mom has to be in court on registration day.
So I won't get to check out any of the students which sucks but at least I still get a tour of the school.
And I'm kinda nervousanxiousscared.
Not just about the meeting tomorrow but about actual school.
For several reasons like
I won't know ANYONE. At all.
I get nervous around new people.
School starts uber early here. I don't remember the exact hours but it's way earlier than in Brevard and I had trouble catching the bus then.
Oh don't even get me started on the bus.
But I think anyone would be nervousanxiousscared in my situation.
I mean I'm being ripped from everything/everyone I've ever known, thrown into a whole new school in a whole new county...I might as well have moved to Kazakstan or something.
And and and.
I don't even wanna talk about my other situationthing.
I already poured my heart out to probably the only person that cares so I'm not gonna get into it here but still.
I'm sad again now.
I was halfway over it...But not anymore.
Now I'm nervousanxiousscaredsad.
Not good.
Now I hate it here again.
Because my two favorite people EVER are in Palm Bay.
And I'm not.
And my other favorite person that I'm not even allowed to hang out with is there, too.
And I miss her like crazy.