(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 12:12

kinda sad...

i had chem lab this morning at 8am
it was going good, until we got some weird ass results
then i got all bummed bc nothing made sense...
even tho i understood what was SUPPOSED TO happen

i got a chem and calculus midterm on monday.
anddddd i wanted to go to the bay for vee and norries bday thing.
but i cant
im so fuckin homesick...
and school is hella hard...it makes me wanna go home even more...

chem is hard...and theres hellllllaaa work to do for it.
calculus is hard. i understand everything in lecture, but FUCK it's still hard...

i really just wanna cuddle

i can party whenever i want here, but i really rather
be at home...with a whack ass curfew.
just so i could be wit my family and my friends in the bay.

=( ionno. things suck right now.
i know that my life isn't bad when i put it into the bigger perspective, but i feel like shit....

i hate college.
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