Jan 23, 2007 05:24
cause i dont. i mean, i don't write at all. to myself, and certainly not to YOU. not in YEARS. ughhhhhhhhhhhh
I am glad i'm here, glad i'm doing what i'm doing.
i'm just to FRUSTRATED.
my boss told me that i need to "take a day". and that she's worried i'm "burning out" and some days are just SO HARD i want to rip my face off and blame it on crack, on politics, on apathy, the economy, and just plain stupid people, but no matter how many times i almost get hit, see people lying in carrie amounts of blood, witness OD's, and have to petition people into the hospital against thier will, it happens again the next week. or the next day.
it just keeps coming and coming and no matter how much i love it, the reality of it just aches some days, and i'm losing the hope of a real and tangible redemption for the fuck ups, the lonely, broken hearted puke covered drooling stuttering self defacating people of this world.
i dont believe any of that,i just want to scream it some days, rip out my hair and cry real heaving sobbing snotty tears like when i was little and still could.