Разговорник для английских фанов

May 23, 2008 18:46

Уже не актуально, но не удержалась.

Pocket Phrasebook. 20 phrases in Russian that will be of use to English football fans during the CL

CHYORT POBERI! [CHORT pa-bee-REE] - expression of disappointment.
Synonims: Blin gorely! [BLEEN ga-REHlyl, Mat' moya zhenshchina [MAT ma-YAH ZHENshchee- nal, Vot zhopa, obidno, da? [vot ZHO-pa, a-BEED-na, DAH?].

MYACH KRUGLY [myach KROOG-ly] - * a good phrase to keep up a conversation about football. Very politically correct and meaningless.

U MOEGO PRADEDUSHKI BYLl RUSSKIYE KORNI [ooh ma-yeh- GOH pra-DEH-doosh-ki BY-Ii ROOS-kee-yeh KOR-ni] - a good phrase to use in any conversation in Russia. Similar phrases: Sir Alex Ferguson - moi stary drug [Sir Alex Ferguson - MOI STA-ry droog], Moskva - zamechatelny gorod [mask-VAH za-me- CHAH-tel-ny GO-rod], Khorosho sidim [kha-ra- SHO see-DEEM], Yeshchyo po pivu? [ye-SHCHOH pa PEE-vool, Ty menya uvazhayesh? [ty me-NYA 00-va-ZHAH-yesh].

SEMECHKI [SEHmech- kee] -a Russian version of popcorn. Cheap snack that stomachs are filled with during sports events. Semechki are roasted sunflower seeds. They are sold wrapped in old newspapers near metro stations or next to a stadium entrance. Shell the husk before enjoying semechki.

..To solve any problems with police you should use a phrase: Tovarishch militsioner, khotite ya vam sdelayu priglashenie v Angliyu? [ta-VAH-rishch meelee- tsee-ah-NEHR, kha-TEE-the yah vahm SDEH-la-you pree-glah- SHEH-nee-yeh v ANGlee- yu].

OBEZYANNIK [ah-bez-YAHN-nik] - a barred cell for detained at a police station. A place hard to forget.

BIOTUALET [biotoo- ah-LET] - another place hard to forget. Plastic white and blue cabins that Moscow authorities have introduced trying to solve the problem of lack of public toilets. Particularly fastidious people are not recommended to use them. For the rest the fee of 10 to 15 rubles applies.

CHUVAK [choo- VAHK] -a popular way of calling for attention of a man in the street. A popular way of calling for attention of a group of people is Lyudi dobriye [LYOO-dee DOB-ry-yeh].

by то ли katonda то ли PROСПОРТ via KZblog

хумор, en-ru-en

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