cute flower shop boy - 1, megan - 0

Apr 05, 2007 13:31

so, i hatched a plan the other day to hit on and ask out this incredibly adorable boy that works at the flower shop down the street from my work. we seem to look and smile at each other through the window every morning when i walk up from the bus and yesterday he walked by me on his way to deliver flowers in the afternoon and smiled. right after he passed i realized he was the flower boy - at first at just seeing he was cute i had an inclination to say, "lucky girl whos getting those flowers" but he passed by so quickly that i couldnt quite get it out. then, after realizing it was the flower shop boy, my interest in him was propelled forward. id seen him in person, not through the glass, and his smile was damned adorable.

so yesterday afternoon i gave myself a pep talk with the philosophy of that the worst he could say is no. afterall - if i never asked him on a date the answer would be no anyway. so i built up the courage to go in on my afternoon break. thwarted by my friend asking me out to coffee to discuss a possible union dissention that it appears i may be rumored as the figurehead for (more on that later) on my last break, i decided to put off the flower errand until after work.

so after work instead of doning my coat and backpack, i left all of it at my office and walked down the street (opposite way from the gym where i was inevitably going) to try to charm the flower shop boy in my saucy outfit that terry bought me at a garage sale for four bucks. he wasnt there. only some woman was, so i had to make up some story on the fly about how i worked right around there and wanted to check out the shop. i retreated, walked back upstairs to get all my things and went to the gym.

so today at lunch i went on a walk conveeeeeniently by the flower shop, only to see him not there. i ran an errand at green garden cards and gifts, getting a couple of trinkets and some more wrapping paper after the great wrapping paper caper of ought seven. afterward, i walked past the shop and saw him at the register. i went in. what can i get you? he asked. knowing that part of my hitting on him would inevitably have to involve a flower purchase, i hunkered down to get something cheap. i want a cute little bouquet thats pretty slimly priced, i told him. im kind of stingy. so he laughed and said, okay what do you want in it? so i looked and went for two irises and three carnations. he grabbed them, and some ferns, and tried to wrap it up for me. probably due to the fact that my flower purchase was rather meager, he was having a hell of a time. the woman who i had seen in the store last night walked over and asked if he needed help. he had kind of a frustrated look on his face, and she scooted the flowers down and wrapped them up. he had been pretty close - i think he was just trying to make them as nice as possible. for a second i thought she would ring me up and all hope was lost, but instead she left and he brought them over.

while we were at the register, i leaned in and said, "i have a confession to make - i came to ask you out on a date." i couldnt believe i said it! my heart was beating like a madmans. he said something quietly back that sounded kind of like "boyfriend." inside, i panicked. oh no! hes gay! (i had, of course, worried about this as he is quite a cute boy working in a flower shop) what? i asked. "i have a girlfriend," he said. blast! thwarted again! the dreaded girlfriend. so i told him, "well, i needed some flowers anyway. and i just work at united way, so you know if anything ever happens -" then i stopped myself and said, "well, not that i would want anything to happen as im sure your girlfriend is a lovely lady." he smiled and said, "she is." then he said, "i would have said yes, though." so i smiled and he said that if, heaven forbid, anything were to happen, he would remember that i had asked. so, although he did say no, he did say pretty much the next best thing, being that he would have said yes if he had been single.

so, i came back and put the flowers on claras chair, as she had been instrumental in getting me jazzed up about asking him out. and she convinced me that buying flowers would probably have to be part of the deal. she just got them and i have to say that her reaction makes up for the fact that i wont be smooching cute flower shop boy anytime soon.
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