Mar 01, 2006 23:10
1. Have you ever been drunk?
2.How old were you the first time you got drunk?
3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated?
I don't think so
4. Have you ever 'drunk dialed'?
on a regular basis
5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members?
6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk?
yeah, talking to my family on new years eve, being in the hall before my roomie was 21... going to cumbies.
7. Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol related crime?
8. Have you ever hooked-up with someone while drunk?
my boyfriend
9. Ever forgot their name?
10. When was the last time you were REALLY drunk?
last night
11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge?
hmmm... binge..? possibly
12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time?
13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated?
14. Favorite liquor: depends
15. Favorite beer: guinness
16.Have you ever woken up after a night of drinking and found out that you were still drunk?
yes, and it's much nicer than a hangover
17. Have you ever swam drunk?
18. What kind of a drunk are you?
funny/annoying/talkative unless I'm REALLY drunk, then you'd have to ask someone else.
19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you?
kind of but I can control myself
20. Favorite drinking partner:
anyone but eben
22. Have you ever completely blacked out?
I've not remembered things. I dont think I've blacked out
23. Have you ever puked from drinking?
yes, probably 5 times.
24. Have you ever had the 'crying drunks'?
oh yes
25. Can you still do physical activity while intoxicated?
hehehehe... physical activity
26. Have you ever gotten into a drunken fight?
argument yes. physical fight no
27. Who is the most annoying drunk that you know?
28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk that you know?
29. Do you have a drunken nickname?
all kinds of weird shit
30. Have you received a booty call?
31. Funniest drunken scene:
Finding my shoe in the hall in the morning (not the one I was wearing)... peeing outside the gas station on the way home from erica & james's and then yelling "fuck off" because they didn't have a public bathroom...running face first into the wall outside Aimee's room... Drawing maps of everything on napkins.. a lot
32. Favorite song(s) about drinking:
dont have one
34. Have you ever been hit on by someone way older than you?
yeah, he's my boyfriend ;)
35. What's the worst 'buzz kill'?
when someone else is really drunk
36. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail?
37. Do you ever say to yourself, "Dang! I need a drink!"?
sometimes. not really though. More like "dang, I want a drink"
38. Do strangers ever buy you a drink?
yeah. especially on inez's birthday
39. Have you ever drank too much on a date?
40. Is there anything that you refuse to drink?
41. Have you ever been drunk on a plane?
42. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day?
not really
43. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the beer?
44. What's your favorite drinking game?
45. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk?
definitely but most of the time I don't remember
46. What's the most destructive thing that you have done while you were drunk?
nothing really. But Jarrod broke a table at his dad's house. It was awesome.