Shipping post! (WIP)

Jul 09, 2010 02:56

So this is the big ship post. It explains, to the best of my ability, who I ship and how (and in what context). Crossposted to my other Mentalist muse LJ.

Patrick Jane
  • In the show/canon: Asexual polyamory with the whole team. Note the "asexual" part of that. No sex. With anyone. Ever. He and Red John have this freaky obsession/ego thing going on that is 100% canon, but not the same as Red John/Jane (see below). Also canon: Jane/tea, Jane/manpain, Jane/couch, Jane/ice cream.
  • In rp: Default asexual, with a side of "flirting because it makes him feel good." Borderline sexual: Jane/Irene Adler. All asexual: Jane/Pepper Potts, Jane/House, Jane/Shawn Spencer, Jane/The Shadow. Will not rp romance/sex with Lisbon. Frenemies: Jane/Bosco, Jane/Warren Worthington. Needs to meet Sherlock Holmes so the universe can experience total protonic reversal.
  • In fanfiction: Jane/Van Pelt, Jane/Cho, Jane/Brooke Harper, Jane/Sophie Miller, Jane/Walter Mashburn, Jane/Red John ¬_¬ No shipping of the romantic/sexual kind with Lisbon (he treats her like his mommy, so ew).

Grace Van Pelt
  • In the show/canon: Mentor/student with Jane. Hero complex (and super subtext) with Lisbon. Friends with benefits with Cho. Friendship with Rigsby. Amicable respect for Bosco. Absolute adoration for Kristina Frye.
  • In rp: Van Pelt/Lisbon, Van Pelt/Dean Winchester (pretty!), Van Pelt/Sam Winchester (geeks!), Van Pelt/John Watson, Van Pelt/Sherlock Holmes (asexually), Van Pelt/Castiel (asexually)
  • In fanfiction: Van Pelt/Jane, Van Pelt/Cho, Van Pelt/Lisbon

Kimball Cho
  • In the show/canon: BFFs with Jane, brothers with Rigsby. Cho/Elise. Occasional stress-relieving sex with Lisbon on the sly that they never talk about, because she needs it and he knows she needs it. Friends with benefits with Van Pelt, but only when she wasn't with Rigsby. Cho/his 8th grade teacher.
  • In rp: n/a
  • In fanfiction: Cho/Jane, Cho/Lisbon, Cho/Van Pelt, Cho/Rigsby. Individually, not simultaneously because if he's with one person he's not with a bunch. Cho/Elise because it's adorable forever.

Teresa Lisbon
  • In the show/canon: Bizarre brother/sister friendship with Jane. Tough mentor to Van Pelt. She and Cho have saved each other's lives before and have a bond that is deep and largely unspoken. Lisbon/Rigsby in a way that just makes sense somehow when you think about it. Lisbon/Walter Masburn forever and ever and ever. Lisbon/Bosco. Lisbon/Minelli! Lisbon/the Deputy AG woman. Lisbon is bi; episode 1x19 "A Dozen Red Roses" renders this a truth self-evident. ;)
  • In rp: n/a
  • In fanfiction: Lisbon/Van Pelt, Lisbon/Cho, Lisbon/Rigsby, Lisbon/Bosco, Lisbon/Mashburn, Lisbon/Deputy AG. No shipping of the sexual or romantic kind with Jane, period.

Wayne Rigsby
  • In the show/canon: Rigsby can go with lots of people, but he just works hilariously well with cougars. He says he's in love with Van Pelt but they're much better off as friends. He and Cho are like fraternity brothers. Rigsby wants to be friends with Jane but just doesn't understand him. Lisbon is The Boss Lady.
  • In rp: n/a
  • In fanfiction: Rigsby/cougars! Rigsby/rebound relationships. Rigsby/Lisbon but only when kink is involved. Rigsby/Jane, when hypnosis is involved (just for the wrong of it).


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