May 30, 2005 11:22
I love Penn State. I love State College. I love this area. Not in the oooh yay my friends are here so I love it kind of way. Driving in, it's cows and farms. Farms end, and on one side of Park Ave, there is a nice neighborhood, and on the other, campus. Pretend you can drive straight from Park to Shortlidge to downtown. I like downtown State College. I'm glad I'm getting the downtown experience. I couldn't do it during the year, but with less people, it's very fun. I walk past a shop every day, an artsy one, and I love looking in the windows. Ok, to continue my tour. Walk into State College. Away from campus. Into the neighborhoods. And you're in hometown America. Quiet streets. Freshly mowed lawns. Flowerbeds. What distinguishes this from suburbia is that all of the houses look different. I HATE being places where all of the houses look the same. Admittedly, I haven't been many places. I haven't had many travel experiences. So I don't have the best perspective, but it's the only one I've got.
By the way, Happy Memorial Day.