These are called memes, right? That's both an odd and quite the fitting phrase, I suppose, what with meme meaning a cultural thingy transmitted all quickly like by repetition. OH BIOLOGY.
1. When you are getting physical with someone, do you prefer to be dominant or submissive?
I... Jeez, what a way to start this thing! I suppose it depends on the situation, don't it?
2. With your current razor, do you get a good, clean shave?
3. Describe your favorite pair of underwear?
(Colonel, I am intrigued by your underwear choices.)
Also this should not be a question. IT IS A STATEMENT. But I suppose I like my blue checked ones pretty well. I am boring in the underwear category. ))):
4. What are your thoughts on God?
Pretty sure I don't believe in any definable God, especially not the Judeo-Christian one. I guess I'm agnostic.
5. Do you prefer vampires or werewolves?
Werewolves, because they're good chaps except for that one night, and then there's always that lovely potion~
6. Have you ever been 'hot for teacher?'
OhhhHHH yeah McGonagall. Mmm.
7. Do you ever watch kids' channels (Nick, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, etc.)?
Nope, didn't/don't have telly.
8. What is your favorite scent as far as perfume/cologne/body spray/whatever you use?
Uhhh. I don't know. DDD:
9. If you could buy one very expensive item right now, what would it be?
THE PAST. What, that doesn't count lolol. How about a permanent lease on a nice storefront.
10. How long is your longest relationship?
I think this should be "was." Unless, I guess, you're IN that longest relationship. Bugger.
I'd go with... I think it was around 18 months?
11. How long is your shortest relationship?
A week or so~
12. Is there a song that reminds you of your significant other?
I have no S/O as of now, so NO HHAHA
13. Are your eyebrows in need of a wax/pluck?
I don't think so D:
14. How old were you when you started to shave?
Fourteen or so.
15. What is your favorite breed of dog?
Mutt! That definitely most completely counts.
16. Was your last kiss long and passionate or short and sweet?
DD: I haven't been kissed in a long time, so I do not know. That is sad.
17. What color is your phone?
I should get one of those.
18. Do you prefer your hair long or short?
19. Do you consider yourself smart?
20. Do you like incense?
No, it's too smoky and George has almost-asthma, so we avoided it.
21. Do you know anyone who's mentally ill?
Percy count? No, don't think so.
22. Have you ever written a poem outside of school?
23. Have you ever sold your old clothes?
Nope, just passed them down
24. Would you consider yourself a poor loser?
Nah. Yes. I don't know.
25. Does air travel make you nervous?
Never done it.
26. Do you like gore films?
Don't think so
27. Do you prefer milkshakes or smoothies?
MILKSHAKES (it brings all the boys to the yard)
28. Do you know how to properly use chopsticks?
I know how to use them. I don't know if it's "PROPER" or not...
29. Did you have animal slippers as a young child?
No. )))):
30. Do you look good in hats?
31. Do you look good in sunglasses?
32. Do you prefer bright or soft colors?
33. Do you ever watch indie films?
I don't know what that means. D:
34. Are you good at sharing?
Yeah, kind of had to be growing up.
35. Do you get stage fright?
36. Is there a television show that you look forward to every week?
Re: no telly!
37. What was the last thing you watched on television?
38. Has anyone ever been freakishly obsessed with you?
39. Do you have a diary/journal?
I guess this thing kind of is that, yes?
40. Would you go into shark infested water in a protective cage?
:O omg yes