Went to art exzzibit in the morning. I bought red bull this is important. Strolled on over to the hatch where we witnessed intense crowds of drunken abercrombie frat/high sweaty boys& girls. I lost my frienddds due to being surrounded by creepy college boys swear they were calling me danny tanner..? I was like full house what the fuck. & thank god for the girls they were with. saved me. Whilst i was slipping off sweaty men trying to cross the bridge somehow they still manage to find a way to smoke its quite amazing. There was this guy with a 3 foot hookah with a $5 charge for a hit. Also while lost saw a kid sitting in the river having a bad trip trying to make himself puke.
Anyway i tried to escape the boy who said i was his girlfriend..hmm & he was coming back to my place. HHAH drunk people. FOUND molly after ramage searching. Saw people from school i never want to see. Ran into kids from lesley. We ended up on the dock where the drunks were swimming and i was like "im going to go in..yup i swear im going to go in..anyminute i swear" And caroline pushed me in then i pushed her in. HAH this boy with a fro had to help me out the ledge was like taller than me. (slight exzaggeration) What else? never saw lisa/tom/ectera. HM subway to newton. Total hell. Smelled like urine and feces. i was plastered against the door and i fell back and what do i feel grab me. "Dont worry i got her...i know her///rambled with we meet again. AH boy who made me lose my girls. So cars and I dealt with him & his friends the ride home. One said i had the smallest ponytail this side east of the river. Hahah oh and how i thought of christine and everyone who has every mentioned my chode. BLAH blah more antics including bets for kissing a poor old asian lady ectera.
terribley tired i can only hope my vag. doesn't catch some unwanted disease. lets pray.