That's right...the Milky Way itself may implode due to this occasion.
This flyer is an OPEN INVITATION for whoever would like to come. As stated above, Halo 2 & Powerstone 2 game tournaments will be taking place. If enough people are interested, we will have a movie and/or anime marathon and there is going to be food/drink as well. This is an all day event so stay as long as you like.
In an attempt to keep things sane, if you plan on coming then please let me know either by commenting or giving me a call (566-2402)...this way I know how many people to expect and how much food to obtain. (Donations would rock since food cost sucks).
I'm turning 20 by the way...and yes I did create the flyer that's hanging out up there. I suggest that newbies use mapquest if you aren't quite sure how to get to my house.
::Note:: My actual Birthday is Monday the 8th!
Dragon zord.