Mar 30, 2006 15:29
they let me off work three hours early because there were way too many people there and we were literally tripping over each other. it was nice to get off early because it was all sunny outside...but you know 21 dollars. so i sat in the park and read Queer. which is short...and much easier to read than naked lunch.
i cleaned out our fridge...two of the girls take up the whole freezer and 75% of the the other girl and i marked off our space...and i hope they respect it because i want a place to put my meesley groceries...i would like a spot in the freezer for my cigarettes and a nice bottle of rum i want to buy, but they don't think those reasons warrant freezer space...i can't wait till i live with someone who doesn't have a sixth month supply of heat and serve meals made by their mommy in the freezer. freezers were made for cigarettes, alcohol, and frozen pizza...that is all...
i think i might be grumpy, but the sun just makes me forget that.
i forgot to add in my bills in the saving money for the summer. shit is going to tight!