man, nuthins gunna be the same...

Sep 17, 2004 22:39

i just got back from jp's house. we watched 50 first dates. i love that movie. then later, when the movie was about to the end, aaron came over, geez talk about awkard. =/
today on our way to jp's house, i told him how i sayed hey to aaron today and he kinda acted like i wasnt there. jp told me aaron -hates- when i do that * he said im being fake *... yeh i guess that would be true.. IF I WERENT SO WORRIED BOUT TRYIN TO BE FRENZ WITH HIM. i remember when jp AND bethann , well even ME would say awh that really is cool how were all best frenz here, and we all can just hang out and everythings fine. they had this liddle "click" i guess you could say pictured, and ya know what? i dont want to ruin that for everyone else cuz its just SO DARN PERFECT! but hey ya know what, when people hold grudges and dont give a flyin FUCK if your alive or not, its kinda hard to wanna be frenz with that person! DAMNIT , the only time i said sumthin bout him is when he didnt appreciate me goin to his house cuz "i didnt talk to him" ....WTFF!! long story, and then ne other time i do is wen i hear all of his BULLSHIT that he tells jp and im gettin pretty damn sick of his complainin cuz i aint miss perfect, "shes fake" "shes stuck up" "shes a bitch" "she talks too much SHIT!" GD! we actually USED to have sum good times, and this is why im so upset! it wont be the same...! good GOD! sorry guys that i ruined it cuz im TRYIN to fuckin start over and just be frenz! but ya godda fuckin stubborn ass AARON FIDDLER keepin me from doin that! ... sorry bout all that complainin, i usually dont, im usually in a WONDERFUL mood, but hey, ive had all i can take, if you KNOW me you know i let things build up, then i blow up, like now!!!!
* Kay
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