(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 18:21

I am watching shitty television right now and just heard someone refer to a gazebo as a "torunda". It is a "rotunda", you stupid fucking moron! I don't know what a torunda is but it's not what you were pointing at.

I'm in a shitty mood right now. No...actually, I just felt like bitching.

But it was a pretty awful day. I don't think it went above 11C all day and it was pouring with rain the entire time. So I'm cold. And up until I got home, I was soaking wet too. I might as well have walked home barefoot for all the good my shoes and socks did me today. I badly need some boots. Mine are heeled and I've decided I'm not doing heels anymore.

Anyway, I realise this is a rather banal entry, considering I haven't updated in so long but that is my life right now. Banal.
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