(no subject)

Sep 20, 2005 19:40

OH giddy gosh, it's been so long since Ive written in my little journ journ here.
Some silly boys from school boke into our house one day when I was on vacashun with my mommie and daddie at Dinorex Land, the most wondiferous place I have ever been. Anyway, they stole our computer and other things, and put silly drawings all over the wall with spray paint. they were so funny, one was of this ugly munkey man wih a droopy face, and there was an arrow pointing to it that said, JASMINE. it was so funnydummy.heehee
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOOOoOOOooooooOoOoOoOoO I had no computerydooter until TODAY!!! HOORAY!! HIP HIP HOORAY FOR TODAY. heehee
i have missed all of you readers so much. i know you missed me too!!!!
what have i been doing??heehee
welll...I've been busy with a lot fo school work, sophmore year is nooo foolin around. I've made some new friends too!!!!heehee some real neato freshmen girls. heeheeeThere was a sleepover at Tallie's house last weekend with all of them. heehee
It was sooooper fun. Tallie was mad because she kept saying that her mom made her invite this one loser girl that she hates. I couldn't figure out who it was, but it really upset Tallie. So one girl, Julie thought it would be fun to play a game called black magic. it's when all of the black people go out into the yard and count til 200. then they come back in and have to find the magic bunny. heehee. i was the only black person, so i went out.heehee i countedtil 200 but when i went back, all the doors were locked. it was a silly joke. i knocked on the windows, and all the girlies were in there laughing and having fun.heehee it started to rain, and i was sitting out there, and i thought, ok girls, i want to come back in now,heehee it's been 3 hours. eventually her mom came down to see how everything was going. she saw that i was outside, and let me in. she had a special talk with tallie, and when tallie came back her face was all red. heehee, and i said, "time to look for te bunny!!" . it was great funnn, everyone should play!
So, i have my new friends,heehee new classes,heehee new computer.heehee and a lot of new bands!!heehee yippeeeee!!heehee
I <3 deathtaxi for cutie!! oh wowza!! they rox!! I also <3 the fall out boys and 've been listening to a lot of Cosheed and Cambodia!! sooo great!!
i've been a busy little bee!!!
time for more homeworky!! heehee
i love you all, you are all my beautiful friends!!
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