Apr 06, 2005 04:48
Alright lets recap the last month.....
Dance marathon kicked my ass. I visited central for st pattys day which was pretty tight and didn't involve me punching kenny in the face this time. Speaking of which i'm going to visit all my boys/girls at cmu once again this thursday. Next Thursday i'm probably going to visit grand valley for a night while on the subject of visiting. Back to the past month, i was doing better at catching up on my homework but this past week has been a total disappointment. I haven't done nearly as much as i should. I've been working for my uncle every friday and saturday still and then coming back here to work saturday nights. Its not that bad other than all the driving and the fact that when im at work, i'm not getting any homework done. Of course once Sunday comes around and i have to work all day at borders i'm just burnt out. Which leads to me doing little to nothing that night because im so tired. It's a nice cycle i have going. The good thing to remember though is that I only have like 2 weeks left!! I have my finals on the 18th, 19th, 22nd and the 28th. So while i do get done late, i do have time to catch up and i'm still done before most people. This summer is going to be so tight! I think i'll post about my summer plans on my xanga site to mix things up.
Post some responses as to some random crap i could talk about. My life is not interesting enough to justify updating.