It's 5 in the morning and I have to work 3-12 tomorrow. So what am i doing? Catching up on my sleep? Obviously not....I'm doing laundry and making an online quiz. How cool is that???? humor me folks. Well if anyone does still read this crap and is as bored as i am, take my quiz because i wasted 20 minutes of my life throwing together these worthless questions.
I'm cool i swear...put your actual name d bags.
Click here, DO IT! and then
Check out the Scoreboard! Switching gears, I think i'm going to stay here this tuesday rather than come home after my exam. I figured anand is going to be here by himself if I leave. Plus I have to work wednesday anyway so it doesn't make a lot of sense/kills me on gas, to come home for a day and just come back for the next couple of days. I'm sorry to all of you that had your hearts set on seeing me this tuesday. I know i'm disappointing so many of you.....if any of you do want to see me...then come visit me damn it! I'm only an hour away!