Jun 03, 2004 19:15
fucking say things...yeah thats perfect say that....
i get bitched at every day for the same shit and its awesome. Anyone else have this problem? My parents seem to think i have short term memory or something because i feel like im in fucking groundhog day here. Every day its you "dont appreciate us, bla bla clean your car bla bla stop swearing bla bla get another job bla work more bla dont have friends or pay them back since you're always over there and god forbid if they come over for one freaking night" (notice the second half of that is me talking....). I'm so sick of their shit. Yeah its perfect when they say that....
My hand is also really screwed up from a nice match of tennis yesterday. I cut it all up, my dad asks for help today and im like my hands jacked. He's just like..."i don't care about your hand". Awesome.
Im just venting so feel free to ignore this post.