Feb 02, 2005 11:32
so yesterday the pretty boy kept looking at me inthe hallways and i got realy self-concious and i was really concerned that maybe i had some hideous growth on my face, but no. and then after school i was randomly staring at nothing and when i regained conciousness i found that i was staring in his general direction and he was staring back!!! and then him and his friends walked over and stood really close to me and my friends and then his friends left but he stayed standing really close! it was really uncomfortable! and i am beginning to get concerned that he may be a freshman only because some of his friends look really young. is it bad that i may be smitten for a freshman? is it sacreligious or something??
ooohhhh, speaking of horrible religious abominations, last night on the 11 o'clock news on channel 4 they PRAYED FOR THE POPE!!!!!! i really don't think that they can do that on tv! why didn't they pray for yassar arafat when he was sick?? he was a religious leader and he died!!! i got really outraged and turned the tv off and went and angrily took a shower! i am now boycotting the channel 4 news and you should too if you know what's good for ya!!!!! errrrggggg!!!!! the planet is slowly growing quickly rowing worse and worse!!!!
well, on another note, we had a code red today in school, which was stupid cuz it was in first hour and they made the teacher open the blinds and now i can't see! i just wanna go home and sleep forever cuz i am tired!
Kara, you should so see if i can come to winterfest! except i will feel very out of place because i don't know anyone excpet for cherie barely and i think it might be awkward, idk...
i have a strange yearning to go on a roller coaster right now! i want to have that feeling like you are falling and you are going to crash to the ground, ya know, that huge adreneline rush...i need to find another way to get one of those cuz they are fun...i usually have one when kaara is here cuz we are always doing stupid stuff that we could get in touble for, but we never get caught so it is all good! I KNOW!!! i need to go on a secret midnight mission, but alas, there is no jill to be found...