Several Moriarty one-shots

Feb 18, 2012 16:02

Just discovered this community and decided to put together a post of my Moriarty-centered fics so far. All links go to my lj. Enjoy! :-)

Title: A friend of Molly's
Rating: G
Characters: Moriarty, Mark from IT (original character), Molly mentioned
Words: 221 (221b-fic)
Warnings: none
Spoilers: “The Great Game”
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Meet the real “Mark from IT” or How Moriarty managed to get his job at Bart’s so quickly.

Title: Mathematics
Rating: G
Characters: Moriarty
Words: 100
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Moriarty never thought of it as his retirement, not as such.

Title: I Am So Changeable
Rating: R
Characters: Jim Moriarty, appearances by Molly Hooper and Sherlock Holmes, hints of Molly/Jim
Words: 2900
Warnings: dark!fic; rape/non-con, violence and drug-use by a viewpoint character
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Jim is a nice guy. He really is. He just has the unfortunate luck of sharing his body with another soul - Moriarty...

I have several more fics (mostly focussed on Molly/Jim), but I don't want to spam this comm. If you are interested, please check out my Masterlist. :-)
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