Oct 15, 2005 15:10
Thought I'd better update before I totally forgot my username. Nothing exciting has been going on here. I'm being taught to give my own allergy injections due to the fact that I can't stand to spend an hour waiting in the clinic to get a 2 second shot. Ok, that's 4 seconds because I get two of them. Ok, yeah. They tested me for allergies on 25 different things. And yes, you guessed it. I'm allergic to all 25. And I also found out I'm not nuts you can be allergic to mint. It's a member of the sagebrush family and I'm allergic to sagebrush. (I knew the stuff was a weed!)
So that's been my summer. Braces, which is coming along nicely. I need to have a party and introduce my two front teeth. (Bye, bye gap!) And allergies. Fun. What more can I say?