BRIELLE IS BAK. WAAA HOOO. yeah thats soo cool that brielle is bak, i also made a new friend...ryan...he is sooo cool. He smokes alot wich is fine by me. its not my thing but he likes it. He is also a fucking genious. he knows everything there is to know about audio recording.
Audio was effing great today. We finally got out books. Ive been reading it constantly and takeing notes im not required to take. its wierd like i actually care about school.
And the rest of shcool rules too. the people in my class are awesome. and my classes are cool too.
Mrs. kelly made fun of me and talked about me in class, thats awesome.
yeah i always start these with good intentions, but end up very distracted, and i can't finish one thought.
Well if i think of anything else ill add it later.
My Audio book