Feb 14, 2006 11:17
SO Nick and I are complete morons
we imitated girls for a straight couple minutes
soooo that will explain this upcoming entry
ChadFoxHoF: roffle waffle
outofcontrol2924: omfg hello!
outofcontrol2924: lyke totally like chah what's like up!?
ChadFoxHoF: well lyke omgzZz
ChadFoxHoF: i was getting my nails done
outofcontrol2924: o rly?
ChadFoxHoF: and this guy comes up to me
ChadFoxHoF: hes like
ChadFoxHoF: hey baby
outofcontrol2924: lyke no way
outofcontrol2924: did he put it in your crotch>
ChadFoxHoF: shut up!
ChadFoxHoF: yes
ChadFoxHoF: *blush*
outofcontrol2924: OR YOUR ASS
outofcontrol2924: YOU SICK WHORE
ChadFoxHoF: both
ChadFoxHoF: *blush*
outofcontrol2924: you
outofcontrol2924: are
outofcontrol2924: SUCH A WHORE!!! *loud girl scream*
ChadFoxHoF: youre just jelous because you are a vigin!
ChadFoxHoF: virgin
ChadFoxHoF: *pulls your hair*
outofcontrol2924: not....since yesterday!!! *nother girl scream*
outofcontrol2924: AHHH
ChadFoxHoF: *chick fight*
ChadFoxHoF: *for some reason we jump into a pool while fighting*
outofcontrol2924: wait wait
ChadFoxHoF: *and take off most of our clothes*
outofcontrol2924: since when were we fighting?
outofcontrol2924: oh
outofcontrol2924: gotcha
outofcontrol2924: *strip fest*
outofcontrol2924: *lands in mud pool*
ChadFoxHoF: *make out session*
outofcontrol2924: omgggg i lyke totally just kissed my bestest friend
outofcontrol2924: you are such a whore!
outofcontrol2924: but you're so hott ahaha
ChadFoxHoF: you are too
ChadFoxHoF: *sexy smile*
outofcontrol2924: *sex*
ChadFoxHoF: wow
outofcontrol2924: ?
ChadFoxHoF: that was hot
outofcontrol2924: ahaha we're whores
ChadFoxHoF: yea but hot ones
ChadFoxHoF: ;-)
outofcontrol2924: lyke chah lets do makeup!
outofcontrol2924: *applies makeup*
ChadFoxHoF: *as well*
outofcontrol2924: here wear this skirt *hands you a skirt shorter than your panties*
outofcontrol2924: and i'll wear this blouse *puts on nothing*
outofcontrol2924: whoops! guess i don't have one hahahhaahahaha
ChadFoxHoF: LOL
ChadFoxHoF: its ok the bra will be ok
outofcontrol2924: i'll just put on this really really really really tight pushup bra and go outside like that
ChadFoxHoF: yea that will work
ChadFoxHoF: i just realized
ChadFoxHoF: im not wearing panties
ChadFoxHoF: whoops
outofcontrol2924: let me get that for you
outofcontrol2924: *sex again*
ChadFoxHoF: wow that was good
ChadFoxHoF: even better than the first time
outofcontrol2924: what can i say haha i'm like so totally a whore! WHOOPS DID I SAY THAT?! ahahahaha i meant a whore
outofcontrol2924: lets lyke totally go out and look for guys to fuck now
ChadFoxHoF: cha
outofcontrol2924: *goes to beach*
outofcontrol2924: *walks up to a guy*
outofcontrol2924: hey you, i'm giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity just cuz you're totally hawt lyke wanna bang?
guy: sure
girl: HAHA JAY KAY hahaha...you're beat
outofcontrol2924: lets go find another guy besides this loser
ChadFoxHoF: yea
outofcontrol2924: guy: *cries*
ChadFoxHoF: well fuck some other guys brains out
outofcontrol2924: haha lyke yah, i sooo need a good cock
outofcontrol2924: nice and thick and juicy
ChadFoxHoF: lyke cha
ChadFoxHoF: i mean, i already had 10 today
ChadFoxHoF: but its been over 5 minutes since ive had sex
outofcontrol2924: look at this
outofcontrol2924: c==8
outofcontrol2924: AHAHAHA i'm such a perv!
ChadFoxHoF: hahahaha
ChadFoxHoF: (.Y.)
ChadFoxHoF: mee too
ChadFoxHoF: hehehehe
outofcontrol2924: those are like mine, size DD
outofcontrol2924: you only have D you flat chest haha
ChadFoxHoF: *cries*
outofcontrol2924: awww baby i'm sorry *makeout*
outofcontrol2924: *fucks ten guys*
ChadFoxHoF: *sex*
outofcontrol2924: THREESOME!! ahaha
ChadFoxHoF: well
outofcontrol2924: here finger my butt
ChadFoxHoF: it was 11
outofcontrol2924: i'll lick your crotch
ChadFoxHoF: awesome i wanted to try this
ChadFoxHoF: *does it*
outofcontrol2924: AHHHHHH
outofcontrol2924: YOU WHORE
outofcontrol2924: !!!!
ChadFoxHoF: you told me to!!!!!!lol
outofcontrol2924: lyke look at this *grabs a guy with rock hard abs and licks his chest* ahahahaha
outofcontrol2924: im sooo totally leading him on
outofcontrol2924: *fucks him*
outofcontrol2924: I COULDN'T RESIST
ChadFoxHoF: hahahah!!!!
outofcontrol2924: o shit i think i got STDs
ChadFoxHoF: i love you
outofcontrol2924: ahaha i lyke totally love you
outofcontrol2924: what's aids anyway?
outofcontrol2924: my doctor tells me i have em and i asked if that was some kind of sex goddess power cuz lyke after all look at me ahahaha
ChadFoxHoF: awesomely informational dick sex
ChadFoxHoF: !!!!hahaha
outofcontrol2924: !!!HAHAHAHAHA
outofcontrol2924: i love you nicka
ChadFoxHoF: awe i lyke totally love you 2 yvanna
ChadFoxHoF: *passiontate kiss*
outofcontrol2924: ew you whore
outofcontrol2924: <3