MY DOG ATE HALF OF MY BEST FRIENDS SOUL (sad but actual true story)

May 28, 2007 19:49

So in the begging news I have a viral infection in my brain! 
No I am not dead yet
No I am not in hospital
Yes it is slightly serious but NO do not freak out I will be ok
And Yes this should have started with a YES or a NO but eh I couldn't be stuffed
Yes putting captital Y's and N's in the middle of a sentance is grammaticly incorrect but I never have been so eh.

So in light of this wonderous occasion I decided to put this up, an online will, so you lot can get in a grab what you want just in case (not that its actualy going to happen or anything) I snubb it before my lawyer calls me back (which is entirely likely since I haven't got a lawyer and there for have made no phone call)

Things you may want to steal

- digital slr camera worth over 2 grand american dollars (but not if you just pawn it off) (unless you pawn it to get porn cause thats just way too amusing and totaly acceptable)
- Box of dirt from byron bay. (possibly akin to Jacks Jar of dirt)
-ak-47 white and pink signed 30stm shirt (jared LOVED it and its fucking awsum to wear)
- electric guiar, blue ibanez in sexy condition can be veiwed in past posts and on bewarewolfs youtube account
- black doctor martins serieously fits like everyone (size 9-10 ish) coveredin flowers (they own you)
- effects peddle with over 80 effects inbuilt drum machine, and the abilitly to make your own affects (brand spankin new)
- My dog... because he's a dog and eats souls.... well half of them

So come on down and claim your peice of imseeinrobots memerobelia! Its all free and for a limited time only

(my appologies if my sick sense of humor affends anyone (my lack of spelling skill probably hurts more than my bad taste)

- Until the next time (be careful cause by the looks of it that may be in hell)


I can smell old dish cloths and can see huge monday night fireworks from my balcony bloody brisbane and wanting to party. OH AND THE DOCTOR THOUGHT I WAS PREGNANT! ( I was like ".... I WANT SEX DUDE BUT HAVE NONE NO DEAL!) the guy didn't even flinch xp

will death general shit

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