Hey how about, me and you, we make that, or we could just say, or not you know

Aug 13, 2006 04:53

afternoon all. 
life is going pretty well, diet is going terribly, was all proud, been eating vegan food several day this week, totaly ruined by the lazing about done today and large amount of chocolate cake, cupcakes and ice cream consumed in past few days in worry about getting second job and problems with wilderness society shit. I swear worrying is doing me even more harm than the huge amounts of crap I am eating. No longer fit into orginal pair of man pants, *sighs*. Today went out to manly, was amazing, sat by the ocean and read new copy of bridget jones diary that I found for 2 dollars, also brough an ink well! ^^. Ate at our favourite cafe with the dog and half way through my meal remebered that I had stopped eating the sae dis the last time I was there because it was too salty, silly silly person, it was too salty again today, though still tasty, was also kinda turned off food by mothers chowder and her being a cow and getting herself beer. Number of fags craved : 15, (at least), number of beers craved, (no number high enough any longer, please!! I will sell soul and or body, for beer *sighs*)

Went out looking for new job in swishy clothing and evil shoes, huge blisters now and still no job, woe -_-. Speakers are also dying in a fire, bah. But all is good ^^ I am still happy. 
Kathy and I are going to meet in the next few days and drink far too much tea and or coffee and discuss the tragicness of being so increadibly single, kathys problem with her lack of arse and my problem with too much. Shall be highly amusing. Am meeting adam(the X) tonmorow, am meant to give emotional and sorrowful speil, cannot be fucked, like the idea of giving him cake, smiling sweatly and wearing something low cut in hopes that he'll just stare at my chest and nodd as I make him forgive me somehow... hmmm

Been trying to write this evil speil for the wilderness society, am sooo fucked for tomorow but once again no longer care, I mean feh, I don't give enough of a shit anymore. Lifes pretty swell, am getting gold fish, fuck fighting fish and needing warm water and being all stupid and fragile, yes sod you. Took heeps of photos today when running around in mangroves for hours on end, mum get scared when the dog and I dissapeared and we were both very amused, got very muddy and had a brilliant time. Have a feather and art peice of wood from the experience, very cool.

Went to see little birdy on friday night, ate too much junk food, called katie a sexy bitch, got smirked at by her because of it, but god dam, she is fine, and she played me a song! ^^(6 months in a leaky boat). Went on ghost train and screamed like a dick head, went on circus maze thing and looked like a complete tool but loved it, also went on swinging chair ride and boot scooted to many peoples amusement, ate pirate candy, nearly got into a fight with some slut in the valley and got many winks and happy glances by rather sexy lads as I ran around the valley (like north bridge) after my mother and the car. Generaly a good day.

Today I need to clean, work on the shit for work and not be lazy otherwise will stress latter tonight, Sodding boss has still not called me to tell me where I am meant to go tomorow, shit have to go straight from there to see adam, shit shit shit, oh well can take spare clothing and make up with me yes fabulous plan! Ok well thats if they call me, if not I can sleep in, wash hair and paint nails, mmm. Need to try rachel again so I can talk to her about nothing in particular instead of going for a run to burn all of this crap off. Everyone in my work group must hate me, should go on devi art and make them all feel like the super amazing artists that they are. Hmm soo much to do, would rather drink beer, listen to music and read porn (fanfic of course) ^^.

Cannot wait for the girls to get here, honetsly will just we like woah. 
Should start planning my 18th over here, hrmmm. 
I want a camel, found lamma jewerly today, LAMMA JEWERLY! was so so amused. I really need to decide on what colour to have my curtains and figure out why I have ants in my room, hmm to many things to do.

Live journal, simply here to make sure you have a decent reason to not be doing all of the other shit you truely should be doing. bah, its not like I have been on here enough recently. 
just spent 25 dollars on cakes, oh god, am poor, in debt and slowly getting fat, should really go for run and perhaps buy goldfish with my large lacking amount of cash, may do that tomorow instead, though a run is needed, make me feel powerful and wake me up and stop the stress that I am pretending is not there.

Good god will I ever learn?

- moony

18th, singleness, boys, cake, life, laziness, diets

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