Nov 03, 2006 10:15
So. Yuletide.
Dear Santa:
I love slash. Slashy slashy slash. HOW-ever, if you do not, that's okay, because do you know what I love more than slash?
I also love violence. But if you don't, that's okay. Just have something happen. I don't care what, but last year I had to write an 'X and Y sit and chat' fic and it bored the crap out of me.
But you know, just get a beta-reader and go nuts. Well-written is my only real requirement.
(Incidentially, for 3/4 of my fandoms, if you want to do something like 'epic poem form', feel free. But you don't have to. Or something. I'm pretty relaxed right now. And by relaxed I mean 'not awake yet'.)