(no subject)

Oct 22, 2004 22:32

Name] Caroline
[Screen name] Sassychic153
[Birthday] halloween,1988

[Location] fayetteville
[Current Hair color/length] brown with highlights kinda and long 
[Eye color] brown

[Height] 5'10"
[Shoe size] 10...yea i know laugh...indeed i have clown feet
[Parents still together?] yes
[ Siblings? ] older sister Michelle
[ Do they look like you? ] me my mom my sister and my cousin are like identical its odd
[ Pets? ] poodle Sassy
[ In school/graduated? ] school
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] own
[ What do you do for work? ] ...
[ How much do you make? ]...
[ What do you drive? ] 2004 Sport Edition 4Runner

[ Black/White ] either
[ Red/Blue ] blue
[ Roses/Daisies ] i really dont care about flowers all that much...
[ Beer/Liquor ] liquor
[ Boxers/Briefs ] boxers...hey they're damn compfy
[ Hair: Short/Long ] on guys longish without being like actually long...u know like shaggy...on girls...wutever fits their face
[ Boots/Shoes ] shoes
[ Food: Mexican/Italian ] oo i like mexican italian greek french ....anything
[ Dark/Light ] either
[ Day/Night ] depends
[ City/Country ] a nice combination of both
[ Chocolate milk/hot chocolate ] chocolate milk
[ McDonald's/Burger King ] mcD's
[ Coke/Pepsi ] wtf everyone drinks dr.pepper the survey ppl need to get with it
[ Tea/Coffee ] coffee
[ Cake/cookies ] cookies
[ Cereal/toast ] cereal
[ Gum/hard candy ] gum
[ Ocean/pool ] umm...both
[ Marry the perfect lover/marry the perfect friend ] marry the perfect lover/friend
[ Biking/blading ] blading
[ Gloves/mittens ] gloves
[ Bunk bed/waterbed ] waterbed
[ Motorboat/sailboat ] ive never actually been sailing so motorboat
[ Lights on/off ] off

[ Color ] purple
[ Vehicle ] denali
[ Drinks ] water, dp, propel, mt dew code red, shirley temples, pink poodles
[ Clothes ] uhh duh ...clothes
[ Soda ] dp
[ Food ] chocolate
[ Book ] too hard to pick one
[ Author ] dan brown and meg cabot
[ Band ] see *book*
[ Song ] ^^

[ Movie ] oohhh i would have to say either we were soldiers or the notebook
[ Holiday ] prolly christmas or halloween
[ Season ] summer
[ Country ] the wonderful US of A (which has gone all to shit thanks to Bush)
[ State ] Arkansas
[ City ] New York City
[ Movie genre ] if its good it doesnt matter
[ Sports ] to watch bball and olympic sports but to do swimming and cheer

[ Thing to do ] can u really ever have a favorite thing to do? i dont know...read?
[ Thing to talk about ] i like to talk about anything interesting...anything at all

Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] yes
[ Twirl your hair? ] all the time
[ Have tattoos? ] nope
[ Piercings? ] just my ears but i would like my belly button
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ] grrrr
[ Floss daily? ] uhhhhh
[ Impersonate? ] eh
[ Chew gum obnoxiously? ] well i blow bubbles and pop them if u consider that annoying but i dont smack
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] duh how do u think im passing? lol naw only sometimes
[ Drink/Smoke? ] thats more of an i have  not an i do
[ Like roller coasters? ] never been on one so i dont know
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] no
[ Believe in online dating? ] if it works for u i say carpe diem! haha
[ Want more tattoos? ] i want a small one somewhere where u cant see it if im wearing a bikini so yea.....
[ Like cleaning? ] i do NOT clean clutter..but i love to windex and stuff
[ Write in cursive or print? ] its like a connected print but u couldnt really call it cursive
[ Carry a donor card? ] no
[ Swear a lot? ] fucking hell yes
[ Own a web cam? ] yea...dont know how to work it tho
[ Know how to drive? ] yes
[ Own a cell phone? ] of course!
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] actually yes
[ Sprechen Sie Deutsch? ] no i dont speak german! ha i knew wut it said!
[ Hablar Espanol?] si, hablo mucha espanol con mis amigos mexicanas.
[ Others find you attractive? ] i hope so

Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] no
[ DUI? ] no
[ Been in a wreck? ] uh there was that time in 7th grade when i was parking my moms lexus and scraped the whole right side off on the garage door....
[ Been arrested? ] no
[ Been in a fist fight? ] one..with london deshazier..ugh i hate that girl
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] twice and they deserved it both times
[ Stolen a car? ] no
[ Stolen anything? ] like sometimes not important from a gas station or something
[ Held a gun? ] yes
[ Smoked? ] yes
[ Pot? ] yes
[ Crack? ] hell no
[ Drink? ] yes
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] haha no
[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ] ^^
[ Posed for nude pics? ] no
[ Considered a life of crime? ] probably
[ Considered being a hooker? ] actually....haha no
[ Maybe a pimp? ] now that would be kewl
[ Cheated on someone? ] i dont think so
[ Been married? ] no
[ Been divorced? ] ^^
[ Cried over a girl? ] yes...in 2nd grade sydney said she didnt want to be my friend anymore...i cried for all of recess
[ Cried over a boy? ] yes
[ Lied to someone? ] well duh
[ Been in love? ] i dont know
[ Had sex outdoors? ] no
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] yea
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] uhhh yea
[ Been rejected? ] ha
[ Been in lust? ] like everday
[ Used someone? ] sadly yes
[ Been used? ] i'm thinking i just got used actually
[ Been cheated on? ] well if i did i didnt know about it
[ Been kissed? ] haha yea
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] nope
[ Tried to kill yourself? ] nope
[ Done something you regret? ] yea

Are you...
[ Psychotic? ] probably
[ Vegetarian/Vegan? ] I LOVE MY MEAT!
[ A sexy bitch? ] damn straight!

Right now...
[ What are you listening to? ] a tv off in another room somewhere
[ What are you watching? ] the computer screen
[ What time is it?] 12:01 am
[ What are you wearing? ] black pants and a green halter
[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ] uhhh?
[ What're you drinking? ] water
[ Eating? ] nothing
[ Who are you talking to? ] j-beck and david

If you could...
[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ] in bed
[ Who would you be with? ] oooo im not gunna tell u that ;)
[ What would you be doin? ] goin at it like two fat ppl at an al lu can eat buffet......(i swear it took me a full 3 minutes to think of that)(wow im retarded)

What was the last...
[ movie you rented ] day after tomorrow
[ movie you bought ] uhh.....
[ song you listened to ] the band at the party was playing freebird when i left
[ song that was stuck in your head ] down down down...ur all i wanted ..down down down...ur all i needed ...that ryan cabrerra song
[ cd you bought ] Sanctus Real
[ cd you listened to ] 90's rock
[ person you've called ] david
[ person that's called you ] david
[ tv show you've watched ] ooo dont remember

When was the last time you...
[ Cried? ] couple weeks ago i think
[ Cut Your hair? ] long time ago
[ Wore a skirt? ] i think i wore a skirt monday?
[ Wore a tie? ] never
[ Were mean? ] few minutes ago
[ Were sarcastic? ] ^^
[ Went for a walk? ] ^^
[ Met someone new? ] ^^
[ Said "I love you"?(and meant it) ] to my mom a few hours ago
[ Took a test? ] today
[ Hugged someone? ] few minutes ago
[ Had a nightmare? ] last night
[ Took a shower? ] 7 pm today
[ Made your bed? ] i dont make it...since i dont move in my sleep it never really gets unmade
[ Went online? ] ok wut kind of dumbass question is this? if im filling out this survey...IM ONLINE!
[ Thought about sex? ] few min ago

Who was the last person...
[ You hugged? ] David
[ You instant messaged?] J-Beck
[ You kissed? ] ......
[ You had sex with? ] imavirginthankyouverymuch
[ You yelled at? ] David
[ You laughed with? ] David
[ You had(have) a crush on? ] Dane
[ Who broke your heart? ] ....i dotn know

What's the first thing you do when you...
[ Wake up? ] pee
[ Get in the shower ?] wash my hair
[ See a hot guy/girl ] stare
[ Know someone likes you ] flirt just to be teasiful haha thats not a word

How many...
[ Times have you been in love? ] i dont know
[ Times have you had your heart broken? ] never but it may happen soon
[ Times have you broken someone else's heart? ] dont know
[ Boys have you kissed? ] 5
[ Girls have you kissed? ] 0
[ Boys have you slept with? ] again with the virgin thing
[ Girls have you slept with? ] as in sex 0 as in sleeping in the same bed....i couldnt tell ya
[ Countries have you lived in? ] 1
[ CD's do you own? ] ooo ive never counted
[ Scars are on your body? ] on my whole body i dont know but on my left hand i have 9 scars
[ Different illegal drugs have you taken? ] 2
[ Friends do you have that you could trust with your life? ] 3
[ People who you consider your enemies?] 0
[ Times has your name appeared in a newspaper? ] i just stopped counting
[ Languages do you speak? ] 1.3

Name one...
[ Thing you love. ] my pillow
[ Thing you're embarassed about. ] i'm real clumbsy and i have a bunch of incidents where it caused some majoremarrassment
[ Thing you want to know the answer to. ] who will i end up with?
[ Thing you plan on doing on the weekend ] this weekend im having a movie fest and possibly arsagas
[ Thing you plan on doing tomorrow ] ^^
[ Thing that is hard for you to do. ] admit when im wrong about something i really believed in
[ Thing that annoys you. ] ppl who play hard to get...playing games is so retarded
[ Person who bugs the hell out of you. ] i can stand anyone for a while...but too much anna can get kind of nerve wracking
[ Food you hate that everyone else seems to love.] mustard! and tomatoes! and mushrooms and onions and any fruit

[ Do you wear as pajamas? ] a t-shirt and panties
[ Shampoo do you use? ] sometimes Philosophy in Choclate Ice Cream or Strawberry Milkshake and sometimes the pink herbal essences fruit fusions
[ Scent do you use?] lucky
[ Do you think of virginity? ] its up to u
[ Shoes do you wear? ] i have 50something pairs so...yea
[ Colour is your toothbrush? ] purple and pink i think? ive never really paid attention

that took a really long ass time!
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