Jan 17, 2009 10:14
Today is a good day I think. I'm being all domestic, doing laundry and planning for Velentine's day. i'm attempting a project. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
Also I've decided to rid myself of large amounts of my stuff. There will be lots of things but clothes and shoes are a major part of them. I wish someone had my shoe size. I just have no desire to wear uncomfortable spike shoes anymore. I guess I'm growing up. Also, I am trying not to be a hoarder. There are so many clothes I own that I've never even worn. Then there's just stuff. Stuff I bought cheap or stuff that I got as presents and felt I needed to keep. And i'm too lazy to make a little money on ebay (not that I feel I could make THAT much). if I had a house I'd have a garage sale. As it is, viva good will.