Sep 30, 2011 11:38
My beloved readers, my Inmate has finally defied the expectations of his peers, of his enemies, and of the standards of literature, and graduated -- no small feat for any person that sets foot on this mysterious ship. As of the fifteenth it was two years that he was in my care. Congratulations are in order, for him especially, and as I offer my own, with deepest pride in the man he has chosen to be.
[Friend Filter - Ask if you don't know if you're on it -- the list of names in the last entry really doesn't count]
I bear no intentions to make this about myself, but I would like to every last one of you if I denied I did not have my personal doubts. It is not that I ever believed he would fail, but because when I accepted this position, it was a challenge to prove that good could come of my philosophies, that my ideas of right and wrong are sound and not simply the machinations of one mad canary who flits in disorientation from cage to cage and stabs its beak at every curious onlooker that passes. I am a grown man, but for much of my life I did not act one. As an Inmate what weighed me was my influence on others, that I refused to own. The actions of others are their responsibility, but there are times when I have deliberately incited, times where my influence swayed innocents onto dangerous roads, and I would not marry myself to those consequences -- all for some higher notion of the freedom of ideas.
I graduated officially over two years ago, but I had not graduated, truly graduated, because I had not yet proven to myself that my influence could create good. I feel that I have accomplished this, at long last, and it is high time I had some reward for that.
[/Friend Filter]
Like my Inmate before me, I shall be departing the Barge -- very briefly. With my hands suddenly free, I feel I deserve a little holiday before another eager soul causes my Warden item to pulse (often at the most inopportune times and in the most interesting of places). I shall be visiting perhaps with Henry and the good doctor, eventually...among other places, but first I made a promise some time ago to pay a visit to the macabre and luxurious Sanitarium Island.
Until then, my dear readers, I must bid you a fond (and ever-so slightly suggestive) adieu.
OOC: The Marquis is going off-barge until either late tomorrow night or the next day. Of course he'll feel he's been gone for much longer, but he's got some exes to playfully harass and MAY decide to go back home and troll a few people.
warden marquis!,
the marquis is unwinding