Aug 19, 2005 17:19
I hate thinking up names for blog entries, especially when the entry isn't about anything in particular.. ah well. I've just got back from Sam's house, I've spent every day with him this week.. tomorrow will be the only day I don't see him. On sunday he's coming to a BBQ with me - which means that he'll meet most of my family. I'm really worried, god knows why, but I know what my family are like and it they're mean to him I will seriously be hurting people. It's only my mum and dads opinions I care about though, and they think hes amazing. Which is good XD
This time next week I will have my GCSE results.. some people are really calm about getting them, but being 100% honest, I'm shitting it. Basically the little letters I get for each subject will change my life. I have to get at least 6 (out of 13) A*-C grades. Although the school only requires that you have 5, my mum and dad said I have to have a least 6. God knows why. I had a dream about my results last night, I failed maths. Hopefully its not at all representative of what I will get. Cross your fingers for me people - please?
Also next week I have to face my ex. There's a hell of a lot of history between us - and I don't trust myself to go to his house alone. So Sam's going to come with me. One slight problem is that the two hate each other. Mainly because my ex told me he still liked me while I was with Sam and Sam found out. Understandably Sam was upset but he sent my ex a reasonable text, just explaining that he didn't mind us being friends but telling me that he liked me was out of order. My ex was a total knob back though, saying he was a twat and all this. It really wound me up. What right does my ex have to try and ruin something I have. Something that is total amazing. None at all. Stupid Cunt!!
Aaah.. rant over.
Edit : : I lost one of the earrings sam brought me =( I know its sad, but I shed a tear or two. He told me to stop being silly and he wasn't mad.. but I loved them and they were so special to me because he'd brought them for me, ya know?