So September reached new levels of potential slashiness, as pointed out by
azriona in her lovely comment, and I was aware of this when I was writing it. I left all the potential in there. I didn't censor it even though I have no intention of following through
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(I also hope we never actually see Mycroft and Lestrade in the same scene, but that's only because it's so frickin' much fun to pair them together in fandom, and that would be ruined by whatever happened if they were on screen at the same time, no matter how that scene went.)
I think that's what makes your "you can imagine" verse so very canon, and so aptly named. Canon in that there's the hints of slashiness, particularly in the September story, confronted and accepted and moving on now. Just as with the show, it's easy enough to read the stories as either epic bros, or as pre-slash.
(And I mean that dichotomy as a compliment; I tend to think a really well-written story is one in which the reader takes away something the writer didn't quite intend. Those are the reviews I tend to like the best, where a reader spots something I didn't quite mean, and I look back and go OMG YOU'RE RIGHT.)
Aptly named for that very reason, which you've already probably guessed. The way you've written the story, we can pretty much imagine any relationship between John and Sherlock that we want. We don't need it spelled out, you trust us to go whichever way suits our fancy.
Aaaaaand, that's all I've got for now, I'm going to go watch Benedict Cumberbatch on a boat in 1812 for a bit. :)
Yea for 1812 BC on a boat!
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