Yesterday turned out to be a weird day during which I wandered almost aimlessly in search of lemons. Consequently, the pictures are weird as well. Weirdness
I really should have known that the day would take an odd turn, considering...
I was walking along and seeing a couple of examples of patchy chalk text.
Then -
This was, unsurprisingly, outside a bar. So, I wasn't too fussed; it had obviously been done before anyone started drinking because it was legible and would have required more light than just the street lamps. Here are some of the more interesting patches.
It wasn't until I crossed the street that I realized Loyola isn't giving their students enough course work, because these kids are out spamming the sidewalk.
This was one of my favorites, since it allowed some leeway.
It just got better.
I had to purposely shade this one so it would show up.
And on the other side of the same tree...
I liked how the tree shadow sort of echoed the chalk swirls.
So I'll impress these last thoughts upon all of you...
...and we'll move on.
So anyway, I'd gone out with some vague idea of possibly going to the Art Institute to check out any Vernet they might have, and I still have a ton of $ on my CTA card from the Loop Lemon day, so I went into the city, basically for kicks. I got off at Lake and the station has a (very short) pedway into the department store which will not be named. So far, relatively normal.
Except that a display with fake bananas reminded me that internet shopping is not always everything it is cracked up to be considering the delay involved. Might I be within reach of indestructible lemons? This thought led me to wander through four floors of this place - and I found plenty of lemons, but not one of them was for sale.
I swear to you that I contemplated stealing the display lemons.
This led me to wonder, where do they get them? Am I dependent on the internet? Where the HELL does one acquire fake lemons? And I knew, really, in my heart of hearts, that what I should do was proceed to the nearest Pier 1 - everyone has an equivalent, it is the headquarters of useless things - without passing Go, without pausing to collect my $200. But I was downtown and on foot, and I had no idea where the nearest Pier 1 was, and I sort of still wanted to go to the museum - so I dithered.
I went into two art supply stores. I don't know! I thought they would have odd things - and they did. I was possibly imagining I would make my own lemons; even I couldn't mess that up, it's a circular sort of object with sort of pointy ends.
Then I went so far as to stop for lunch at a Panda Express to consider my options. PE is the McDonald's equivalent of chinese. You don't eat there if you have a taste for chinese, the only reason you go to one is if you have a taste for PE. This was, in keeping with the day, very odd for me. It turned out that Fate was just setting me up to get the most Sherlockian fortune cookie EVER.
Then, outside the AI was a busker with a violin - clearly Sherlock was telling me to go in.
Except it was now after 1 and that is too late to warrant spending $18 for admission, so the gift shop had a chance to mock me with its display lemons.
Eventually, I ended up at Target - don't we all?
No luck.
Though these two things did each include one lemon...
and the fruit vase-filler had two very tiny lemons
And, by the way, there is something truly worrying about this!
Dorothy as pinup - well, I suppose even back then they had Judy on diet pills.
So, anyway, I finally made it to the Pier 1. Right inside the door -
So I grabbed four - and then I Turned Around
Guys - they had a citrus rack. There were not, unfortunately, grapefruit - and I'm extremely relieved now that Douglas isn't a maverick grapefruit fancier rather than a traditionalist - but everything there was citrus - lemon, orange, lime. This makes it a citrus rack.
So I plunked down $10 for a bag of fake lemons and now I just need to work out the best way to tag them and get some - I don't know, varnish? - and we're up and running!