May 12, 2012 05:32
Just a couple quick thoughts which I'd like to exorcise.
Dear CTA,
Please raise your one-way fare from $2.25 to $2.50. This way, you still get my entire $5 bill, but I don't feel ripped off for that $0.50 every single time. Please see my latest fic for reference.
Cordially yours,
an occasional rider
Readers seem to prefer the fic that mugged me and stole my brain's wallet, which I proceeded to write in the space of a day and a half, to the one which I wrote over the course of a few weeks, crafted very carefully, and for which I spent two entire days agonizing over individual plot points. Seriously, that last bit about the British Library and the book excerpts I nearly drove myself crazy over.
The problem with AO3 telling my how many 'hits' and how many 'kudos' have been left is that it leaves me with the distinct impression that the delta between the two didn't actually enjoy the story.
Right, not thinking about any of that anymore - exorcised.