I have one more to go before writing fanfic becomes a habit, right? Translation - I've written a Sherlock fic.
Before I start blathering - Sherlock fic rec -
A Study in Kidnapping and its companion piece
A Study in Rescue by
dakfinv. Unbelievably wonderful.
Right. On with the blathering. Writing fic is distressing on a few levels. One - I need to finish my trip report. Two - if I am writing something other than my trip report, I should be working on the 'two half-written books' or the 'one really great idea' which might actually net me some money - ha! - eventually as they, you know, don't belong to someone else. Three - I'm not clever enough to write Sherlock fic. I am the girl who completely thought the shadowy dude in the parking garages was Moriarty the first time through A Study in Pink. Face - meet palm. Dammit - I've just put anyone reading this off reading my fic - must type something clever now - have completely failed to do so - perfect.
I've been reading a lot of Sherlock fic recently, and the fandom is so overwhelmingly not gen that I was getting a little tired of J/S falling into bed at some point in every single piece I was reading. I don't really mind, I was just craving something a little more like what the show gives me - exciting moments, seeing the boys working together, Sherlock Thinking - and my brain said, "So write what you want to read." I replied, "But brain, what I sort of really want to read is a case fic, and I am nowhere near clever enough to think up a case interesting enough for Sherlock to tackle. This means I am also not clever enough to think of a way in which Sherlock would solve such a crime." "Well," my brain said, "then just write up the good bit at the end with some John!whump which doesn't end with Sherlock declaring undying love or John confessing he's wanted to shag Sherlock ever since he laid eyes on him, and don't worry about the rest."
I thought I might give that a bit of a try, and I was almost instantly hit with an opening line, but I couldn't quite make myself skip from John enjoying a cuppa to...seven hours later the boys are giving chase across Southwark Bridge - and then 3,000 words later it turned out the boys actually give chase across Waterloo Bridge, so I guess it's a good thing I couldn't.
Writing is scary for me. A lot of the time I feel like I'm transcribing the words of someone invisible who is feeding a ticker tape directly into my brain. The really funny thing about my covering how I'm nowhere near as clever as Sherlock is that this led me to give him a case that he immediately tags as boring - however, the first body is dumped in the middle of Trafalgar Square in broad daylight - and no one claims to have seen anything. The fact that the dumper got away cleanly intrigues Sherlock so he goes with the flow because he wants to know how this was accomplished. I never intended to solve the mystery of how the body got dumped. I had no idea how it happened when I wrote it. I pretty much intended to let the John!whump overtake the narrative and not really have to end up explaining this. Well, then I walked for about six solid hours on Saturday and in the last hour or so I finally got down to the plotting I had set out to accomplish, and realized that what my murderer really needed was a Manson-style harem and suddenly everything clicked into place and I knew exactly how that body had gotten into the middle of TS. I find this pretty much absolutely terrifying. I stared into space on a street corner and actually missed the walk signal completely because I was working this out in my head.
So anyway, as soon as I have a decent Sherlock icon I'll probably post it, though I am toying with the idea of asking someone to Britpick it for me, so it may be a little longer if I go with that. To round this out, does anyone happen to have any case!fic recs or icons featuring wrapped-in-a-sheet!Sherlock? I'm going to attempt to piece something together either with the shot of him full on as his sheet is stepped on or the one with John and him giggling madly on the couch over his lack of pants...but I'd probably be much better off using someone's work who actually knows what they're doing...