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May 27, 2006 09:31

My placement is OVER! Wwooooooo.

Im completely on wind-down now, ive got half a term of uni left but its only 1/2 days a week so its nothing really. This week has been crazy...ive had the kids by myself for most of the week, and because i know im leaving, and they know im leaving, we've got next to no work done lol Theyve been completely hyper and wont shut up no matter how much i do, but theyve also been sooo lovely to me with me leaving...ive got a grand total of about 42 makeshift cards, 3 bottles of wine, 2 packets of marshmallows, 2 small teddys and a cat photo frame lol So its been a tough week because behaviour has been awful (Yesterday i had 3 wrestling, 2 having a ruler fight, and others poking the ceiling with a window-opener to get something down off it. One ruler-boy ended up cutting his eye.) but i will miss the kids alot, theyre so sweet.

I went into a catholic mass on tuesday as they all had it and kinda just sat there for an hour while a priest jabbered on and they sang hymns, then all of a sudden every1 started turning round shaking hands and going "May the lord be with you"! I was ever so slightly embarrassed at being there lol Then they all went up to be blessed and recieve bread, and i stayed put.

Also had class photos, and im in ours! lol Anyway its been a lovely week really, stressful and tough but very rewarding.

Last night went to have fish and chips with marc and holly and ended up in a huge argument with marc which resulted in him leaving the house and me finding him sitting on a bench a while later, and much apologising and crying on my part, but i think we're okay now. Sometimes i really get wound up about stuff that is utterly pointless and i let it take me over a bit, and usually he gets the brunt of it...just stuff that isnt worth arguing about..its a bit scary because i dont realise im being out of order until a while afterwards, and it massively reminds me of what my dads like with my mum sometimes..just not on such a high level (Im not nasty, i just struggle to let things drop when i feel annoyed)so ive promised him ill try and control myself a bit more...it wasnt nice because wed planned a nice relaxing night with food and wine to celebrate my end of placement but that didnt really happen cuz of my own stupid fault.

Today im going to derby with my mum for the day, tomorrow im spending the day with marc and going to the pub in the evening with tom if anybody wants to join us? Then im off for a week :) Im going to start going powerwalking/jogging/running *whichever i can cope with lol* on my days off, because im never in work anymore to go to the gym (Doesnt help that theres a bloody bus strike on saturdays which is when i work so i have to cancel my shifts!)

I was wide awake at 7.30 again today, my bodies so used to it now...ive never, ever been a morning person but i really think i am now lol I was up and showered, with the kitchen clean at 9am which is completely unlike me when ive got a day off. So i might start my jogging routine in the mornings...i love the outside when its morning.

Anywya off i go :)
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