Jul 10, 2007 19:13
How's it going LJ buddies? Long time no see on my end of the relationship.
Well I have two jobs now. I am a receptionist for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign here in Des MOines(it blows) and I am an intern at Planned Parenthood as well. At PP I am working on a grant project to fund condom distribution and education in urban areas of Des Moines. After I graduate, I will have a job lined up for three-five years with PP. I am ecstatic about that!
It's weird being back in Des Moines. It's more weird not really staying in any one place. I am constantly living out of my laundry basket. I work 68 hrs or more a week. This sucks. The only day I have off are Saturdays which are spent driving to and from assorted weddings and wedding activities(which also sucks). I miss my friends from CF, but I think they are all doing well and that is a good thing.
I am very anxious to graduate and get on with my life. I feel like I actually know what I want to do know and opportunities are opening for me here in Des Moines. I am ready to start a life here and I think it's a good place for me and maybe my future family.
Part of me is ready for all this growing, adult, down to business business. The other part wants to blow off growing up and party hardy 24/7. I'm still negotiating between the two.
Next semester I will be incredibly busy. I think this is good and bad. I am doing things that I want to do and I will get this whole college thing over with in one fell swoop.
I am hoping to meet more people here in Des Moines. More people=more connections=more fun=happier ren.
Well that's about it so I will leave you all with this friendly reminder: Brunettes, not fighter jets!(courtesy of my new favorite folk parodist comedic duo from New Zealand, Flight of the Conchords)
PS I can't wait for HP VII!!!!