Chapter Twelve

Aug 02, 2010 16:02

Chapter Twelve
Title: Unintentional Consequences
Genre/Pairing: Xander/Graham, Lorne/Sheppard
Spoilers: Vague Season 4 Tabula Rasa SGA, Post-Chosen Buffy
Summary: Xander, Andrew and Faith find themselves in the Pegasus Galaxy and inadvertently help two men find each other
Disclaimer: Buffy and all themes and characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Stargate with all themes and characters belong to MGM. No copy right intended

The Atlantis crew were all gathered in the conference room and all, save Teyla, were in various states of agitation. John was staring around the room like it had personally offended him, answering any inquiries with a combination uncomfortable looks and unintelligible grumbles.

Rodney tried talking to John and when he practically snubbed him he got worried wondering if he shouldn’t have shown everyone pictures of the painting that Harmony had commissioned.

Ronon was working himself into a state, pacing and checking the door every five steps before sitting and trying to look as if he wasn’t agitated.

Samantha Carter was worried about her staff members state as well as what this eclectic group was involved with. Cross-galactic phone calls from the president weren’t to be taken lightly, neither were his demands for total compliancy and full access to anything they wanted, she was not comfortable with that arrangement.

Teyla was curious about the newcomers she wanted to get to know them. After the trip to New Athos, and how they had treated her people with such respect and honoured them with a blessing for protection, her admiration for the trio went up. She was interested to meet the others to see if there were any similarities.

All movement stopped in the room when they heard Evan’s voice and the sound of approaching Council members.


“Dawn! Stop touching things you don’t know what any of these things are capable of doing.” Evan scolded the girl as she was flitting about running her hands all over everything and anything.

Dawn snorted at him voice laced with sarcasm, “Puleeze, as if there’s anything that could be possibly considered dangerous out here on the corridor wall.”

“How do you know that? How can you possibly know that? You’ve been here for what two hours, right? Yet you somehow have learned everything there is to know about this city, even though our expedition is still learning new things after four years here?” He responded a little sarcastically, he didn’t get any alone time and the girls who needed ‘time to get ready’ cut his shower short.

Real short, so short he was still in it when they barged in to get ready. Then he had to endure the changing of the wardrobe and give opinions on what looked best. According to Buffy he apparently he his taste in strappy sandals sucked, he was strangely hurt by the comment.

“I haven’t learned everything about this city but it’s a hallway, what am I gonna do turn the lights on and off?” To make her point she randomly tapped a panel and was startled when a door open, it caused her to trip on her feet and fall through into what appeared to be a small closet. She shot her left hand out to catch herself on the back of the tiny space, so she wouldn’t end up on the floor, and in doing so she accidentally hit the transporter.

Evan rolled his eyes as she blinked out of sight, having ended up transporting herself to the far side of the city. He sighed and stepped in after her, reappearing moments later with a very red-faced Dawn.

“Dawn as we are in another galaxy I believe it would be prudent of you to keep your hands to yourself for now, especially given the circumstance on how some of us came to be here.” Giles said polishing his glasses and looking intently down the hall and not into the room. “And since it turns out that Evan here was right about the dangers of touching things we don’t have permission to perhaps you should apologize, before we can continue on our way.”


Graham was sitting next to Xander during the meeting, arm on the back of his chair with his fingers ruffling the hair at the nape of his lovers neck, trying to pay attention to Giles as the man gave the well-worn speech ‘The world is older than you know.’ Looking around Graham could tell that he wasn’t the only one of having problems paying attention.

Faith was not so subtly trying to entice Robin into something, something that he wanted to know nothing about, but he wouldn’t have anything to do with it. It seems that she wasn’t interested at being included in this meeting anymore than he was.

Willow and Dawn were both avidly watching the weird tension between Andrew and the large guy with dreads named Ronon. This was because while Andrew was listening to Giles a look of adoration on his face then checking to see how Ronon was enjoying the lecture. Ronon would look politely interested whenever Andrew looked at him and then drop start scowling whenever Andrew turned his attention back to Giles; he looked unsure at how to perceive Andrew’s relationships to the newcomers.

Buffy was, well it looked as if she was checking out her manicure when in reality she was studying the Atlantean’s reaction to the lectures. She can fit the role of superficial ditzy blonde very well and she played it like a pro. Even though it wasn’t always an act, like the times when she went shopping or when she was trying outfit after outfit on before a meeting, but it was very useful in situations like these because everyone always bought it.

Xander would shiver with every sweep of Graham’s fingers in his hair, this told Graham all he needed to know about where his lover’s mind was.

Evan caught the movement from across the room and gave the two of them a death glare he was still miffed about earlier. He was not subtle about it either and every single person in the room caught it.

Giles took off his glasses and began to polish them causing all the Council members to chuckle. Graham smirked at Evan ignored everyone’s looks he leaned forward and whispered in Xander’s ear, “How long till we can leave and ruin some more sheets?”

“Behave yourself,” Xander hissed when he realized that the room was now paying more attention to them then Giles.


John was partially listening to the Englishman and his history of the world, which was compelling and disturbing, mostly though he was watching Evan and Xander. They were on opposite sides of room, slightly surprising after what he had seen but considering the militaries stance on the issue it was understandable.

Then that man, the military looking one named Graham, was playing with that one-eyed bastards hair when Evan shot them a death glare he leaned over and whispered something that was inaudible from where John was.

Something burned in his gut it was bright, hot, white, and bitter. The council members looked amused, Evan still had his death glare going on, and Col. Carter looked annoyed with everyone.


“Alright, I think this is a good place to stop for today you’ve given us lots to consider.” Col. Carter said. Her head hurt, she needed a drink and she needed to contact O’Neill because this had to be a hoax. She wasn’t sure how or why he managed to accomplish something so elaborate and farfetched as this, but she was sure he had to be behind this. Magic? Not possible within the laws of physics.

The man Giles handed out some papers for everyone, he said it would help them all understand some of what was being discussed and possibly answer some of their questions. The first report was labelled ‘Magic and Physics Co-Existing In The Same Universe.”

She gathered her papers and left before everyone else, despite the fact that it would be considered rude. Many of them were routing around in their pockets grumbling about something that she couldn’t hear. Rodney was engrossed in the first paper talking to himself and waving his hands a little while he talked to himself. John left without a word and disappeared before anyone could approach him. Ronon, well Ronon was still sitting next to Andrew watching as he patted himself down looking for his money. Teyla was quiet, unobtrusive, and watching all that they were doing.


“Oh man, I didn’t get in on the pool, I totally woulda’ won the cash.” Faith said as the Scoobies started pulling five’s out of their pockets. Noticing the look that Robin gave her she added, “Not that I’m complaining or nothin.”

As they all filed out all the Scoobies dropped their fives with Giles, who was looking kinda smug and slightly disturbed.

Evan knew he was going to regret asking but he just couldn’t resist, “So what are you doing?”

Giles actually blushed and stuttered out, “Oh my...” That was it that was all he said.

“Well, well you see we all know how much the two lovebirds here missed each other,” Willow started.

“Oh! And when we heard that Xander wasn’t, umm...” Dawn’s eyes slid over to Xander, this wasn’t a subject that was tossed around in idle conversations. He just smiled at her and nodded, he knew where this was going and luckily his time with Anya prepared im for embarrassing moments.

“But you see Graham is just so polite, controlled, and respectful most of us figured that and Xander not feeling so hot, that well,” Buffy bit her lip and looked to Faith.

“Geeze, they wagered that whether or not they’d christen your bed. Giles here said yes, and all these suckers thought no.” Turning to stare at them she continued, “Really? You all thought no? I coulda used that dough too, woulda been polite of you all to include me.”

Evan blanked his mind, ignored all the amused looks flying around the room, and suggested they all go enjoy the rest of the day.

“Hell’s yeah, thanks Flyboy!” Faith dragged Robin out without another word. The others trickled out after them.

Graham leaned over to Xander and quietly asked “Hey think you can find us a place to be alone?”

Xander nodded and dragged him out of the conference room.

buffy, stargate atlantis, john/evan, xander/graham, fanfic

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