It is morning

Nov 23, 2016 09:37

It is 8:08 am. The calm before the storm. My shoulders begin to tense. I double check everything. Are my papers where they need to be? Do I have anything in my teeth? Is my fly undone? What am I forgetting? The unnumbered list of questions runs through my mind like the credits at the end of a movie that I have seen one hundred times.

I am never completely satisfied with my list of answers to those question. My eyes dart back and forth at what I see before me.  I sink. Wholly unprepared, that’s what I am. The feelings of inadequacy are the strongest right now. But the day moves forward, with or without me.

Before I can make a mental list of all my failings, the quiet is interrupted. Doors slamming, feet stomping, so many voices pitched in revelry are the siren song. I rise from my chair, stride to my door, and wait. A smile both plastered and lacquered it is so fake. The first voices and feet will reach me soon.

“HEEEY, Mrs. More-KEE!” the pitched voice hits my ear.

The frozen smile melts into something more genuine and warm. I can’t even help myself.

“Good morning!” I exclaim as more voices chime in all around. Lockers slam, new teenagers laugh, and faces half-awake parade through the hall.

This is my zoo and I love it.
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